Monday, June 15, 2009

Third Date Jitters

I have been playing a waiting game with Jeff Not Gay.  The past 2 times that we have gone out I have initiated the date, meaning that I have asked what he was doing that night or what his plans were for the weekend.  He would later respond that we should go out and do dinner or have drinks, but he never asked me on the date first.  Since I have been thinking that I might like him beyond a date or two, I wanted to see if he was feeling the same way.  I felt that he should initiate the date so that I knew that he wanted to see me and that he wasn't just going on a date because I asked him what he was doing.  (Side note - I go on a lot of dates just because a guy asks me to go out even if I am not 100% head over heels for him.  As I have explained before, it is nice to hang out with them and experience the city with a bunch of different people.  I think you see the city differently depending on who you are seeing it with).

So Jeff Not Gay initiated the date tonight.  This Wednesday we are going to meet at 1849.  This is a place that has wings on Wednesday nights and cheap pitchers of beer.  I have been here before and it is a lot of fun.  He suggested that we go and "pretend like we are 20 years old again" which sounds like one of the best plans I have heard yet.  However, I am super nervous about the date again.  I know that it doesn't do much to get nervous about something so silly but there is a lot that could go really really wrong...
 - Wings are messy.  I will try not to wear white.  I could look like a slob.
 - I am a messy chicken wing eater.  The sauce is too spicy and I often have to open my mouth to cool it down a little.  This isn't really that attractive seeing as I might have wings in my teeth and sauce all over my mouth.
 - Cheap beer is always good until the second pitcher is shared between 2 people.  I might end up saying something that I might never have said.
 - I need to remember to bring mints.  Wings and beer aren't the best thing to eat before a romantic third date kiss.
 - 1849 gets really busy on Wing Night and it is hard to get a seat.  I will try not to wear shoes with too high of a heel, my feet will hurt and I don't want to be cranky. 
 - A third date is a deal breaker.  I feel like the 3rd date is when the really tough questions come out.  I am not big on lying to people because I don't think it gets you anywhere but in trouble, but those questions can be damn tricky sometimes!  (He did already ask a tough question on the 2nd date..."I think that almost all women have a little bit of crazy about them.  What do you think?" he asked laughing.  I answered honestly - "Absolutely."  Then I ended my answer with a big smile and let him wonder what kind of crazy I am....)

I guess if he is asking to go on another date after I agreed that all women are a little crazy, he might be a keeper and I shouldn't worry too much about the date!  I will be sure to keep you all posted on how it turns out, good or bad.

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