Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crazy Old Ladies

This afternoon I went to the grocery store to shop for the upcoming week.  I go to Trader Joe's in Union Square which, anyone that has been there will tell you, is ridiculously busy.  Almost everything is organic or just healthy and super cheap.  If the line doesn't stretch out the door, there are at least 20+ people bumping into you per trip.  

As I was waiting in line, which started at the front of the store, wrapped around the back, and eventually ended in the front again, an older woman who looked about the age of 80 or more jumped in front of me to grab something out of the cold case beside me.  This is normal as the line wraps around the store in front of the food making it very difficult to shop.  After grabbing her cottage cheese, the old lady stayed in front of me in the line.  This made me a little angry because she jumped the line but there was no way that I was going to say anything to her.  How much of a jackass would I have been to tell the old lady that she had jumped in front of me and 75% of the rest of the people in the store and that she should go back to where the line began?

I stood in the line behind the old lady and said nothing, however I wondered about her for the rest of the time.  Did she realize that she cut in line? Did she care?  If I was 80 years old, would I care that I cut all of those people in line?  Probably not.  I would assume that by that age, I had waited in enough lines for my lifetime and that I was entitled to just skip them from now on.  Who would say anything?  If anyone did say anything you could just ignore them and pretend that you didn't and can't hear, or you could play the "I'm a little bit off my rocker" card and act nuts.  Honestly, I would let any old lady cut me in line after really thinking about it.  She already has to wear orthopedic shoes which is bad enough and also wears her elastic pants up to her boobs (or is it that she is wearing her pants at the same spot they have always been and her boobs have just fallen far enough down to meet them?)  The next time someone jumps in front of me in line, I won't be so quick to get angry.

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