Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Date Night

It had been awhile since I met up with Jeff Not Gay.  Tonight, I went on a date with him (or shall I say last night since I am writing this at 12:30 am).  We had the best time together and, of course, it was a very random night.

We wanted to go to a fun little bar called 1849 but it was so packed in there because it was wing night.  It was also really loud and I figured that I wouldn't be able to hear a word that he said.  We had great conversation over a little plate of nachos and a pitcher of mohitos at a cute Mexican place in the East Village.  The night started to get random when we realized that we were the only two in the entire restaurant.  However, we knew that they closed at 1 am, so we didn't feel bad for sitting there.  Then, a guy started singing and playing his guitar in the restaurant.  We were still the only ones there.

After the Mexican place, we went to a little Italian place down the street and sat outside (I apologize for not remembering the names of the places but I just couldn't focus).  The waiter was a little rude to us after I said that I just wanted a water to start and didn't really hear the "to start" part and assumed that we weren't ordering anything else.  We each ordered sangria and continued our conversation.  Suddenly, a crazy looking man approached our table and started talking to us.  As he gestured to his notebook, we noticed that he had drawn a sketch of us.  I was a little creeped out that I hadn't seen him standing there the entire time and hadn't noticed him until this very moment.  

He started asking where we were from and I said "Milwaukee" because I was not telling this crazy man that I lived in the city.  Jeff Not Gay, knowing that I am from Pennsylvania, went along with the story and elaborated a little.  By the end of the conversation with the Crazy Artist we were visiting from Boston, had lived in California where we attended college for business and pre-med.  Jeff was pre-med but he dropped out to pursue psychology and I am now just floating around in life trying to find my path, not really doing much with my business degree.  There was something mentioned about sleeping on an air mattress at our friend's apartment and then the Crazy Artist ended up walking away.  By the time that Jeff and I decided that we really should by this guy's Sharpie sketch of us so that people would believe the story, he was gone.  We spent the rest of our night looking for the Creepy Artist that we were creepy with.  It is funny to think that we creeped out the creepy man; he looked at us really funny and just disappeared.  

I think that I will always want that picture and I will continue to search for that crazy man.  However, the silly experience and date helped me to learn a lot about Jeff Not Gay...

1) He can take a joke and spin a story to make it funny.  I was trying really hard to not spit out my sangria all over the sketch
2) Neither of us can make a decision to save our lives, whether it was the drinks and food at the Mexican place or whether to really buy the picture or not.
3) I learned that I might really be able to go on a second date with someone and like them even more than I did the first date.  I didn't even pick him apart and find something wrong with him like I normally do with boys!

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