Sunday, June 28, 2009

Broken Record

Last night my friend and I went to a rooftop party at Cipriani Wall Street. I was so excited to go because I love that place and the drinks were free! It was such a gorgeous night (finally!) because not only could you see the stars but you weren't shivering outside. The party was pretty full when my friend and I got there but got pretty packed after awhile. You could barely move to get towards the bar. We mingled and talked to a few guys but there wasn't anyone really that interesting there.

One guy asked us where we were going after the party. Not planning to really head anywhere else, we shrugged. The guy asked us if we had ever been to One Oak. I had been before and I decided to tell him that while it was fun, I felt like I was going to get hurt there. When I was there awhile ago, we sat at a table with a bottle. They put us on these risers or large stairs and it was so high that it went to the ceiling. It was really fun but the more I drank, the more I felt like I was going to fall off the stairs. So I told him this story, we talked awhile, and then parted ways.

Another guy, not too much later came up to us and the conversation went in the same direction. "What are you ladies doing after this party?" Again, the same thing happened. We shrugged and then he suggested One Oak! I, not being that interested in being my witty self, just said the same thing about the risers and how I felt like I was going to fall down them while I was drinking. Awhile later both boys came back over to say hello. Both of them asked us, again, where we were going after the party. Then we talked about how they had both asked the same question earlier. They were friends and had asked the same question. However, I had also given them the same story. I had sounded like a broken record.

Note: Come up with a different story and something new to say for everyone that you meet. It makes you look like less of a loser.

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