Monday, June 1, 2009

Bachelorette or Bust

Since I didn't get to go on my date tonight with Jeff Not Gay (he was home sick from work today) I stayed in and watched some "quality" television.  I ended up watching The Bachelorette for the first time this season.  I thought that The Bachelor was a crazy show because of all of the insane women in the cast vying for the bachelor's attention, however, The Bachelorette takes the cake.  The guys on there are absolutely insane.  Not only are they ready to punch each other out, there is a guy who wants to lick the girl's feet! EWWWWW!

As I was watching the show, I was thinking about what it would be like to be the bachelorette myself.  I decided after a lot of thinking, that I couldn't do it for a few reasons:

1) I don't want to be in a serious relationship.  I would just end up dating all of them and not wanting to kick anyone off that wasn't a weirdo.

2) There are weirdo's that go on TV shows like that, for example, the foot loving guy.

3)  I doubt that I could be a good actress on that show because I can barely keep a straight face the way it is now.  I have trouble hiding my emotions in my facial expressions and I couldn't do that when some random guy wrote a song for me professing his love after a day or two.

4) I am practically living as the bachelorette the way it is now.  I date a lot and there is always some goofy guy saying something or doing something funny.

5)  Did I mention that there is a guy on that show that is obsessed with licking and kissing her feet?  Yuck.  No way!

Sorry, no TV show for me....just a couple of dates and a little blog :)

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