Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wedding Hazards

This weekend I went back to Philadelphia for one of my friend's weddings.  She looked gorgeous and her wedding was beautiful and fabulous.  Normally, I am not a fan of weddings at all.  This one was a nice exception with a few mishaps (more about those later).  Even though I love to dress up and have a place to go, weddings just aren't really my thing.  I hate getting all teary eyed when the bride walks down the aisle, which I always do.  I also hate having to be quiet in church when you are sitting by your friends who make you want to giggle uncontrollably, which I did.  I also dislike the receptions when you have to wait until you have just the right amount of wine so that you can dance and not care if you look like a fool in front of the older crowd.  Those are just a few reasons I dislike weddings.  Silly, I know.  It is just the way I feel about them.  Sorry to all of you wedding lovers out there!

So another reason that I am adding to my laundry list of disliking weddings, is that you see people that you do not expect to run into.  I ran into a guy that I had a few dates with in college.  When I had known him, he worked at a bar in Manayunk.  He was super cute with a great smile.  At that time, we went on a few dates and then the next thing I knew he got a girlfriend - and she was not me.  I was upset about it at the time but moved on eventually.  At the wedding reception, not even 5 minutes after arriving, I saw him.  He had that same great smile but didn't have the same shine (you know when a guy loses their looks and just doesn't really strike you as that appealing anymore?).  He was working at the Radisson where the reception was as a bar manager or something of the sort.  I never said hi to him because I was too nervous.  I should have said hi but I didn't want to be "that girl."

My last reason (probably not my final one) for disliking weddings is that they are a hazard to your life.  As I was enjoying my meal, which was fabulous, and chatting with my friends, I began to choke on a piece of steak.  I wasn't thinking clearly as this was happening since I kept thinking "Ohh shit, I'm choking.  Don't make a scene.  Drink water.  Shit that didn't work.  Am I turning purple? Try to cough. Whew!!! That worked!"  I coughed out the piece of steak partially into my napkin, partially on my friend, and partially into my eye!  I was mortified and ran to the bathroom.  After I cleaned off my eye and my friend, I looked at my dress that was also sprinkled with steak and that water I tried to swallow it down with.  I looked like a mess.  Not only did people think I had thrown up, but I looked like I had too!  

In the end, things could have been worse.   I could have had to endure the embarrassment of having someone give me the Heimlich Maneuver and I also could have choked to death.  All in all, the wedding was perfect (again, with those few exceptions) and I had such a great time with my girlfriends!  

Congrats to the happy couple!

1 comment:

  1. I'll take getting spit at any day if it means your fabulous self gets live a little longer. ;)
