Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fleet Week!

Tonight my girlfriend's and I went to a bar/restaurant called Latitude to celebrate my friend's recent engagement.  I am super excited for her and her fiance since they have been together for quite awhile and they are perfect for each other.  

This morning, I finally noticed the posters that were hung up in the subway's about Fleet Week.  For those of you who do not know what it is....

Since 1984, New York City has held Fleet Week to honor the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. The week features extensive military demonstrations, as well as the opportunity for the public to tour some of the visiting ships. The Memorial Day commemoration is a highlight of the week's festivities, featuring the singing of Taps and a military aircraft fly over in honor of those who lost their lives in service to the United States.

 I prefer to describe Fleet Week as the week when a ton of really cute Navy men in white and Marines in uniform come into the city to stir things up!  Tonight was not any different.  There were a few guys from the navy in Latitude tonight.  Even though they looked really great in their uniforms, I wasn't really into the guy that was hitting on me.  He continued to mention that his uniform must turn me on and continued to put his hat on my head, messing up my hair.  Personally, he was standing a little too close to me for comfort.  He even said that I was showing him that I liked him and there must be a great chemistry between us because I was standing there chatting with him.  I just felt like he had literally backed me into a corner and there wasn't any real way out except to have a conversation with him.

He was a nice guy, but just because he wore a uniform, that didn't make him any better than any other guy in that bar.  I think that it is something for us ladies to realize.  You can dress them up, but that doesn't always make them any better on the inside....

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