Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Mayhem

I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day.  I had so much fun at a party in Long Beach, NY.  Thanks for all of that free booze guys!  It did me wonders on Monday morning when I had to meet my date for lunch.  

I met Bar Boy for lunch on Monday afternoon at Inoteca on 3rd Avenue.  I had the BEST panini ever!  I don't know if it was that I was really hungry or it was just a really great sandwich.  The only bad part about it was that it had pesto in it, which is really good but gets in your teeth - not really the best idea to order on a date.  I went into the restroom to make sure that my teeth were all clear, however, the bathroom lights were so dim that I could barely see my teeth at all!  More dating hazards are to follow...

After lunch, we ventured to the Guggenheim.  I was so excited to finally get to see this museum that I ended up a little underwhelmed.  The Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit was cool, but I prefer paintings rather than architecture.  It is just my personal opinion but I was over the buildings and mini models after the first loop of the museum.  They also had a Kandinsky "exhibit" at the museum which consisted of a whole 2 paintings!  I was so disappointed.  Maybe I was just still a bit tipsy from the night before.

After the not so exciting museum trip, Bar Boy and I walked through Central Park.  Another dating hazard was walking in the park with high heels.  We wear them to be cute, but they can only go so far through the park.  It was also really hot outside and I was sweating so bad.  I could barely pay attention to the conversation because I was too worried about blisters and sweat stains.  I think he must have gotten the hint when he suggested that we stop by the Boat House.  I had only ever seen the boat house from the other side of the lake.  I was so excited to actually get to be there; it made up for the unexciting museum trip.  The pink lemonades with vodka were the perfect drink to cool down, take away my hangover, and just relax with.

Another, yes another, dating hazard happened after the 2nd drink.  Bar Boy brought up the issue of being in a serious relationship again.  I say again because we already had this conversation a little over a month ago.  I specifically explained to him that I was not ready to be in a serious relationship with anyone at the moment.  He continues to call, and he is a nice guy, so I continue to go out with him.  He mentioned this time, that he was ready for something serious.  I again, stuck to my guns and re-explained my position and what I felt.  

I honestly don't want to waste his time but I do enjoy hanging out with him.  I hope that I am not leading him on by still hanging out with him, but I really don't think I am since I am being completely honest with him. 

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