Friday, May 22, 2009

The Fountain of Dating

Yesterday, I had originally planned on staying in for one night in my life to catch up on some relaxation.  When I got home, I sat on the couch for a hot minute and then stood back up.  I realized that I physically couldn't sit in on such a nice night or I might freak out.  Soooo I texted Jeff Not Gay (the guy that I met for the 2nd time at Tin Lizzies this weekend).  He immediately said that we should meet for dinner.  
Just as I was going to get on the subway a super cute guy and his friends were talking to me.  We chatted the whole subway ride and he asked how we were ever going to meet up again.  I said "well you better get my phone # quick because I get off at the next stop." And he did!!! I didn't actually think that he would really want my number, nor did I think I could be that forward. 
I met Jeff Not Gay a short while later at the subway stop and we walked to a super cute place called Trattoria Spaghetto (really really awesome food).  We sat outside at this little table that was kind of secluded from everyone else.  Our table looked out to a very pretty fountain that was lit up (I swear to God I am not making that up).  He is definitely not gay, he is super funny, and very charming.  I went home with the biggest, goofiest, cheesy smile on my face.  I must have looked crazier than the cracked out lady on the corner.
I am in trouble.  I actually like a guy that I went out with.  This never really happens.  I am going to take my friend's advice and try not to over analyze.  As I am writing this, he sent me a text message about how he had a great time with me.  This is going to be interesting.
I think the fountain has something to do with this.... (see Dating Follies Part Deux).

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