Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wedding Fun

This weekend I came back to Pennsylvania for a wedding. I usually really hate weddings so I wasn't very excited except for the fact that I would be seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in awhile. The reasons that I hate weddings are:

1) There is always someone (read: my mother) trying to set me up with a boy at the wedding. I hate being fixed up like that.

2) There is a bouquet toss for all of the single girls

3) I just do not like weddings.

So, as usual, this wedding wasn't any different than others. My family and the Groom's family had been trying to set me up with some nice Italian boy that was in the wedding party. First of all, he was a very nice guy. Second of all, I do not want to meet a nice guy at the moment. Third of all, I hate being fixed up. I am only 24 and I do not want anything serious for right now. If he would offer to take me out to dinner, I would go, but that is all.

There was a bouquet toss that I almost got out of by hiding in the corner. Unfortunately I was called out by the Groom's mother and forced to stand with the other single girls. I stood with my hands laced behind my back, just in case. Thankfully the dreaded flowers didn't land anywhere near me.

I did have fun dancing and drinking with my family. My mother and father got a little tipsy and ended up having a chat with that nice Italian boy. They were acting like it was the 1700's and trying to sell me off for a couple of chickens and a horse and buggy (I am apparently that great of a catch that I get a buggy). They thought that I would like him because he "can cook a mean meat sauce." I am just fine with Ragu thank you very much.

Later in the night, not letting the idea of marrying me off go, my mother was chatting up the wedding photographer and made me sit by her as she was telling him all of my accomplishments and adding that I need someone who can cook for me. The photographer looked at me and said that he is a great Italian cook. I smiled politely as the first nice Italian boy came over to the 3 of us. On queue, my mother retorts "Looks like you have a little bit of competition for your meat sauce buddy!" The photographer and the Italian begin to recite their recipes for their prizewinning sauces as I shake my head at my mother who is laughing hysterically and run off to dance on the other side of the floor.

All in all I had a great time. Lets see who emails me their meat sauce recipe first :)

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