Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What If?

So after my many days of obsessing over Jeff Not Gay (the guy that I actually liked after a date), I still hadn't heard from him.  I was asking myself if I should text message him or not when my mother brought up a very valid point.  "What if he just isn't that into you?"  She had summed up the movie, all of my questions and made me worry all in one little phrase.  What if he didn't like me as much as I thought that I liked him?  I could be head over heels for someone and they might just be dating me for someone to take out to dinner or to have as a friend.

Honestly, I do not deserve anything better than what I put out in this world.   I date guys just because even if I am not really sure if I like them or not.  I continue to date guys even when I know that I am not as interested in them as they are in me.  I think that this might be karma and karma is a bitch.....  I do this to so many guys.  How did I think that it wouldn't come back to bite me in the butt?

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