Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fashion Show Fun

On Wednesday night, my gay boyfriend and I attended the Dana Maxx fashion show at Greenhouse in Soho.  It was such a phenomenal event, especially because of the free Pink Vodka!  

The only complaint that I had was that the show didn't start on time (what else is new).  The show started 1 hour after it's scheduled time...come on, Mark Jacobs didn't even start his show late this season!  Other than that, the show was done well and the clothes were super cute.  After the show, the entertainment was amazing.  They had a great singer with a girl playing a violin that looked like a little electric guitar (she told me later that it is called  Viper - what a cool name for an instrument!) that made the craziest music ever.  After that little show the DJ played some fun club music.

In between the dancing, drinking, and fashion, I met a few boys (again...what else is new).  The guys were all really fun and different.  When I meet a guy and get his phone number, I often make up a name for him to put in my phone so that i can remember who it is that is calling.  Honestly this might sound rude but there are just too many guys with the same name to keep them all straight.  Here are a few of the guys I met last night and their cellphone names.

Chris Fashion Show - He was one of the first guys I noticed when I walked in.  He is super tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile.  He looks like he could have been a model if they would have had men's clothes.  Chris Fashion Show and his friends were a lot of fun and interesting as well.  The one thing is that neither he or his friends wanted to buy a drink after the free Vodka had run out.

Mike Gold - This guy actually lives on Gold Street around the corner from me.  He was super cute and realllllly nice.  He is also a dentist and bought me a drink after the happy hour was over.  

Greg Douche - I know, I know...what a silly name to give someone.  When I first met him, Greenhouse had started to empty out.  He was telling really stupid jokes and I thought that he was a douche bag, hence his cellphone name.  He actually turned out to be really fun and took myself and my gay boyfriend to one of my favorite places in the city...Apotheke.

Apotheke is a great hidden bar on quiet little street that was fashioned after Parisian Absinthe dens and a European apothecary.  All of the bartenders or "chemists" wear a white chemist coat and are masters at mixing interesting drinks.  I love love love this place! Check out the website, there is so much history to the place and the street. 

When I was leaving at 1 am, it was pouring down rain...and I didn't have an umbrella.  I looked absolutely ridiculous running through the streets in my 4 inch heels with my coat over my head.  Luckily I found a cab in a couple of minutes.  When will this week of rain stop?!?!


  1. First off, I really love the name of your blog! it made me laugh and it reminded me of me. and secondly, i thought i was the only one to put names in cell phones as reminders, not the full real name!!

  2. My vote is for Dentist and you are way to classy to have a guy nicknamed Douche in your cell- totally not even address book worthy!

  3. Also... Christ fashion show should be listed as CHRIS-CHEAP ASS
