Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dating Dilemma

On Friday, I went out for dinner with the blind date guy (Stock Exchange Boy) from last week.  We went to a place called Il Mattone in Tribecca (it is so cute and quaint that it doesn't even have its own website!).  I had the seafood ravioli....YUM!  

At dinner, Stock Exchange Boy and I were discussing relationships in general and he mentioned something that was a little shocking to me.  He said that he is divorced.  This threw me a little bit and I was thinking about it the rest of the evening.  

On one hand, it is something that makes you question the person.  Why are they divorced? Were they a jerk? Was their wife a jerk? He elaborated on the situation by saying that his Ex-Wife and him are still friends and talk about once a month.  Things had just ended because they grew apart.

Ok, so fine, things ended amicably.  Then I started thinking if I would ever want to be in a serious relationship with someone who is divorced (I know it should be more about the person and not their status, but it is something to think about).  I would think that if/when I get married I would want to go on that journey with someone that hasn't been there before.  I would want to experience it with my husband who was also experiencing marriage for the first time too.  On the other hand, I hear that marriage is HARD.  Maybe it would be better to marry someone who has been through the situation before and has learned from the mistakes of the past.

I think the conclusion that I came to in the end is that it should be more about the person and not their relationship title.  Another conclusion is that I am not ready to get married anytime soon, so I won't have to think about that for awhile :)

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