Thursday, May 14, 2009

Don't Text Unless Texted to 1st

So here is how my Wednesday night went...
Bar Boy and I went to Minetta Tavern and couldn't get a table, we had a drink but the wait would have been 2 hours!  So we decided to go to Strip House (a steak house for those of you with colorful imaginations).  I totally forgot that I had been there at all until we walked in.  I instantly thought of the guy that I had been there with so I decided to text him... like an idiot (this is the guy that disappeared and then sent me a :) text out of nowhere the other week.  Here is how the text conversation went...
Me -  "I'm at Strip brought me here right?" (why do I even text him this, acting like I don't remember who took me)
:) -  "Yep.  I hope you don't have a better date!" (Who says that after not calling, ever!)
Me-  "Well he does call me back..." (That was a Zinger)
:) - "Ouch!" (that was supposed to hurt)
Me -  "Well its true.  Honestly why did you ever stop calling?  It's ok, I can take it." (Ohh I am soooo tough)
Me - " I really want to know why you stopped least let me move on." (and I never fail to make myself look like an obsessed maniac with him)
:)  -   doesn't text again.... (of course I knew that would happen)
When I re-read all of these texts in the morning I am so angry for even text messaging him at all.  Why do we ladies do this to ourselves?  We only like the boys that don't like us back and we just keep on asking for more when we know that we shouldn't.
I was going to delete him out of my phone.  I tried and I can't.

Moral of the story: Don't text unless texted to first or you will be sorry in the morning (no matter ho many drinks you might have had, it is NEVER a good idea!)
It is also a good idea to pay more attention to the nice guy that took you to dinner rather than the guy who hasn't called and dropped off the face of the Earth - there is most likely a reason that he isn't calling (I was hoping that reason was that he was gay, but that is another story).


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