Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dating Follies

I am giving a shout-out to a great friend....She finally has a date!!!!  Congrats to her!

This particular friend has been living in New York City for about a year and a half now.  She is one of the most gorgeous girls I know, and she isn't crazy either.  So now you might be asking yourself "Why hasn't this nice beautiful girl gone on a date in such a long time?"  Well my friends, I have NO IDEA!  

On Saturday, I finally witnessed her go up to a guy that she had been eyeing (or obsessing over) for awhile.  She casually walked up to the bar and began small talk with him.  He, obviously interested, grew a set and gave him her number.  Thankfully she used it!  Now, because both of them stepped up to the plate, they are going for dinner tomorrow.

She told me today that she has been so nervous since they have been talking that she can't eat. Even though she is liking how skinny she is feeling, she just doesn't seem to have an appetite.  I am not sure why she is so nervous because he obviously likes her.  She is worried that she will not be able to even eat at dinner when they are out.  I suggested that it would be in her best interests to make sure that she has something in her stomach or is hydrated at the least.  You never want to be that girl that faints at her date because she was too giddy or nervous to eat.  Skinny or not - you will look like a loser if you fall over at the table.  This also goes for alcohol intake.  If your date has to physically carry you out of the restaurant after one little drink and no food in your stomach, he probably will not call again.  Unless he goes for the girl that talks in run-on sentences and drools, it wouldn't be wise to get too wasted.  Moral of the story - Eat something even if you have to force it down!

I hope that I didn't make her more nervous :)  It will be fun! I promise! Sorry that I can't offer to make you something to eat, since I don't cook and all...

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