Sunday, May 17, 2009

Phone Names

I recently posted about how when I meet people and get their phone numbers I put them in my phone as a name that I can remember them by.  Have you ever wondered what people have named you in their phone?  I found out one of my "phone names" last night.

My girlfriends and I went to a really really fun little bar called Tin Lizzie on 86th and 2nd Avenue last night.  As soon as we walked in, I noticed a really cute blond guy standing at the bar.  I smiled and mentioned to my friend that I thought I knew him.  The girls and I ended up dancing towards the back area of the bar where I saw him again and decided that I definitely knew him but couldn't figure out where I had met him. 

A guy approached one of my friends and gave her this line about having known her in 2nd grade.  He went on and on about how they grew up together and were in the same class, but he was from Russia.  My friend is not.  He didn't know her at all.  We were laughing so hard about this awful way to pick up a girl (it only works if you really know the person or if you are David Beckham).  The guy that I thought I had met before had heard the entire thing and we all began to talk.  Because of the bad pickup line, I just dove right in..."I didn't meet you in the 2nd grade but I think that I have met you before."  He agreed and we slowly began to piece together when we met even though we couldn't totally figure it out.

When we met, over 6 months ago, he said that he had been flirting with me for about an hour but then had to leave the bar.  Since I had been out with my gay boyfriend that night, I had apparently made some comment to him asking if he was hitting on me or my friend, implying that he was gay.  I didn't believe that I would have said that at all but I apologized to him because that was rude if that is what I really did say.  We decided to exchange phone numbers in any case because we were chalking re-meeting each other up to fate.  When he put my # in his phone, it said that he already had that same #.  He had me listed in his phone as Not Really Gay Girl!  My girlfriends and I were dying with laughter.  It ended up being a great night of dancing, drinking, laughing, and having fun.

PS) He went in my phone as Jeff Not Gay.

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