Monday, June 8, 2009

Date Run-In

What happens if you run into a guy that you used to date when you are on a current date with someone else?  Well, you say hello and feel really awkward!  

That happened to me tonight when I headed into Bobby Van's to pick up food with Stock Exchange Boy.  Stock Exchange Boy and I ordered take-out to eat on the roof deck of his building but when we went to pick it up, I ran into a guy that I had hung out with one time.  It was a little strange because we did the kiss on the cheek/awkward hello thing and were chatting.  Then he asked me, "What brings you here this evening?" I gestured to Stock Exchange Boy and said "Just picking up some food" very nonchalantly.  He immediately realized that the guy standing to my left was not just someone whom had walked in by himself.  He stuttered something about "Ohh didn't know you were here together, blah, blah, blah", and promptly shook his hand.  Stock Exchange Boy didn't really know what to do but shook his hand and mumbled something back.  I immediately was super cheery to cut the tension and said "It was soooo nice to see you!  I'll be back soon."  I smiled and turned to walk out the door, ending the conversation.

I wouldn't have known how else to handle that one.  It isn't like I wanted them to chat each other up and be friends or anything!

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