Friday, June 19, 2009

Date-aholics Anonymous

I figured something out about myself today.  It is Friday night and I didn't really feel like going out but it was actually not raining for once so I felt like I should.  I had a few offers from a couple of different boys to meet them out at a bar but I didn't feel much like doing that either.  I also don't really like those particular boys.  

As my roommate got ready to go to dinner with her boyfriend I felt a little pang of jealousy.  She looked so cute all dressed up in her heels and fun clutch.  At that exact moment I felt like I wanted to go to dinner with someone new, exciting and fun.  

Hi.  My name is Lulu.  I am a date-aholic.

I love dating not only for getting to know someone but for all of the things that come before and after a date.  I obsess over getting ready, doing my hair and makeup is one of my favorite things to do (I never said that I wasn't a little crazy).  I enjoy choosing what to wear and picking out the perfect shoes for my outfit, sometimes the shoes come first though :)  I love love love that feeling of nervousness before seeing the guy that is taking you to dinner.  During the date it is also fun to see how things turn out - is it a goofy date, a serious date, a boring date, or a crazy date?  When a date ends it is always good to see how a guy ends it.  Will he end it with a kiss? a hug? Will he ask if you can hang out tomorrow or next week or not mention seeing each other again at all?

Being a date-aholic has a few perks.  I get to meet many new and interesting people at new and interesting places.  I get to eat a lot of amazing food.  I also get to have stories to laugh about with my friends and family.  Every once in awhile I get to like a person that I date.  That is a really nice perk. 

Even though I have admitted my problem, I don't think that I am ready to give it up quite yet :)

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