Friday, June 5, 2009

Shoes and People

Today after work I picked up 2 pairs of shoes that I had at the shoe repair guy.  My Shoe Guy is one of the nicest guys ever.  He has been repairing shoes for about a million years and does it very well.  Today, when I went into his shop, he was having a conversation with a businessman who was getting his shoes shined.  I walked into the middle of a discussion about how "this generation has it too easy."  I just smiled at this comment and handed him my ticket to pick up the pumps I had been longing to wear for too long now.

"So, are you saying that this girl here has it too easy?" asked the obviously wealthy businessman while gesturing to me.  My Shoe Guy said "What do you think?"  I responded with what I think was fair and honest.  I said that while I didn't have it that easy, some other people definitely have it easier than others.  As I say this, my Shoe Guy pulls out my Fendi sandals and sets them on the table to show me that the bottoms have been fixed.  The businessman just looks at me and says "Yeah, I'm sure you have it real hard in those Fendi's."  I respond that I had worked very hard for those Fendi's.  

My shoe guy says what I think is one of the most important things ever - "It's not about what you have or don't have but it's about making sure that you appreciate it."  As I smiled at this thought, I responded to them both saying "And that is why I get my shoes fixed!"

I know that I obsess about shoes a little too much at times, but I really think that they tell a lot about a person.  Even more than just style, shoes tell us that:

 - A person will bend over backwards to help out anyone (a girl running up the street in pumps)
 - A person is reliable (the shoes are pretty ugly, but simple, predictable, and comfortable)
 - A person is snooty (the lady who, even though she is 10 inches taller than you in her 5 inch heels, puts her nose higher in the air)
 - A person is a slob (the beer that was spilled on their shoes last week is still on the sides of them)
 - A person is funny (Clown shoes)

I love these little reminders along the way that keep you in check with reality once in awhile.  I have had my fare share of great opportunities and I honestly appreciate them so much.  Even though everything hasn't always been smooth sailing for me, I know that I have worked very hard to get where I am today.  That is why I hope that my shoes say to the world that I am the type of person who is hardworking, reliable, responsible, fun, a little crazy, easy going, and a generally good person.  Now that is one great shoe!

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