Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why Do I Like This One?

I had another great date with Jeff Not Gay.  We went for wings and beer tonight at 1849.  We had so much fun talking and goofing around, even after our waitress awkwardly hit on me (there is never a day when something weird and strange doesn't happen to me).  I was sooo late for the date though.  I couldn't figure out what to wear and I had to wait a really long time for the subway to come.  Eventually I made it and we had a wonderful time.  I now know for sure that I really really like him.  There isn't a question in my mind.  There are a few reasons why I know this...
 - I was late because I was changing my outfit like a crazy person.  I think I changed over 4 times.  I was nervous about what to wear which doesn't usually happen.
 - We talked about the TV shows that we like to watch.  He likes a lot of the shows that I do even though his friends make fun of him for them.  I think that this is hilarious that he can admit he likes shows like the Bachelor and Bachelorette, The Hills, and The City.  He knows that his friends make fun of him for it but he likes them anyways.
 - He is so funny.  I am not sure whether he is really that funny or I just like him and I am laughing at all of his jokes, but...I am laughing at all of his jokes.  He seems to tease me a lot too which I think in boy world means that he likes me.
  - He asked what I was doing this weekend.  We now have plans to see a movie.  I am soooo excited to hang out with him on a day when I do not have to worry about work.

It is still scary that I am starting to like someone.  Maybe this means that I am growing up a little.  I thought I saw a really cute guy in the lobby at work today too, maybe I'm not really growing up that much!

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