Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Don't Think This is Going to Work Out...

Tonight I went out with a few girlfriends to a fun rooftop bar where we had great drinks and chatted about a lot of girl stuff.  One of the things that we chatted about was boys...obviously.

Awhile ago, I had met a boy that I named Mike Gold.  He lived on Gold Street and his name was Mike.  I met him at a fashion show and then had gone on one date with him where I had decided that we didn't have much in common and I wasn't really interested in him.  He had text messaged me after our date and asked if we could go out again.  Every time he suggested that we go out, I replied that I was busy or had something to do.  He honestly asked about 5 or more times, all of which I provided an excuse for.  I assumed that he would get the hint that I was not that interested and he would stop asking me out.

Yesterday, he asked to hang out again.  I decided that I needed to take a different approach without being too harsh.  I ignored his text message.  Tonight, he messaged me again!  I decided that I needed to be more forward with him so that there was not any confusion on his part that I wasn't that interested in seeing him again.  However, I did not want to be rude to him.  I hadn't meant to lead him on all of this time but I had expected that he would be smart enough to know that I would make it a point to see him if I had really wanted to.  If a girl is really interested, she will make sure that she sees you.  If she isn't making the effort at all, she isn't that into you and you should move on.

Since I didn't want to be mean, I decided to respond to his "Maybe we can go out tomorrow??" text message by saying "I'm sorry but I just don't think its going to work out."  I thought that this was to the point, apologetic in case he felt mislead, and honest even after I thought he should have gotten the point by now.  He responded by saying "Ok. Ur loss. No digitty."  I have no idea what he meant by that and, if it is even a word, it was ridiculous.  Since I had a drink and was prompted by my friends to do so, I replied to him by saying "No doubt." (Like the song).  My girlfriends and I were in hysterics over this and laughed forever.  It became the joke for the night.

Mike Gold didn't let the text message go with my response.  He replied "U introduced yourself to me.  Lest yee forget."  I didn't feel that this message was worth a response for a few reasons.  First, who says "lest"?  Second, who says "yee"?  Third, who says those two words in the same sentence?  Another reason is that I usually date older men because they are supposed to be more mature - apparently I was wrong in this case.  The biggest and main reason that I didn't respond, other than the fact that it would have been childish, was that it was a very stupid thing to say.  Yes, I initially approached him and said hello.  He was kind of cute and seemed nice at the fashion show when I met him.  However, I didn't feel that we had that much chemistry or a spark when I hung out with him during our date.  Saying that I might have forgotten that I introduced myself to him is a mute point.  I didn't forget my introduction and I also didn't forget that he didn't seem like someone I would like to hang out with again when we had a drink together.  

I know that it was silly to write back to his "No digitty" line at first and I shouldn't have.  However, I didn't feel as bad about telling him that things weren't going to work out when he reacted the way that he did.  I thought that he handled it a little bit childishly and I am glad that I ended things when I did.  He obviously wasn't going to read into the "I'm busy and can't hang out with you for the next year" messages.

1 comment:

  1. Lest yee forget that Mike Gold is also Mike cheap ass- No DIGGITY!!!
