Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reality Show Roundup

I just finished completely rotting my brain in under 2 hours. I have been watching reality TV shows. The first show that I watched was the Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion show. The reunion shows are when all of the women get together and discuss the season. It is pretty ridiculous because all they do is fight and yell at each other. I love it anyway.

The second, and most disturbing, show was called NYC Prep. This is a reality show that is modeled off of the hit show Gossip Girl, which I also love to watch. The show captures the lives of high school students that live the lives of 25 year olds. I honestly couldn't keep my jaw from dropping throughout the show and these are the people that made that happen:

PC: He is a senior at NYC Prep school. I didn't find his actions to be so awful, yet. This is the first show. He did make one quick comment about going to grab a drink. He is 18.

Sebastian: This guy is 16 years old. I am not quoting him exactly because I can barely imagine someone saying this but... "When you go out to clubs it is easy to pick up girls. You are guaranteed to hook up with at least 2-16 girls a month that way." And another favorite quote from this inaugural episode went something like this "I sometimes hook up with 2 or 3 girls in one night." Again, he is 16.

Jessie: She is a senior as well. I honestly like the fact that she is big into the Operation Smile Charity - very cool. However, she did get really angry and bitchy with her friend PC for talking to other girls. Just don't be so bitchy. Its easy to be a nice person. She also said that she has her own credit card and doesn't know what she spends a month. This is a double edged sword. I think it is a bit irresponsible and she is obviously spoiled but she is helping out our economy by purchasing things. I can't hate her for this, especially because she gives back.

Taylor: A 15 year old girl who understands the importance of getting to know the "right" people a little too well. I was honestly upset that she feels she has to be friends with people who have money just because they have money. She was also a bit rude to her Mom. She is 15 though and I think we all go through that.

Camille: She wants to get into Harvard. She is studying and working hard so I wish her the best of luck. However, she is a bit of a jerk. She was talking down to Taylor and being mean. Again, I think this might just be the teenager thing - which I don't know why I keep saying but it's true.

Kelli: She is a young girl who wants to be a singer. Her parents "live in the Hampton's and come into the city once a week to have dinner with her and her brother who stay in the apartment." I just have to say that she made me thankful for my childhood and my parents who always let me be a kid but also taught me responsibility. Kelli says that her parents ground her but it doesn't matter anyway because they are not around to enforce it.

This show definitely made me feel super old. I loved high school and all but after seeing this, I don't really think I would want to go back. I know that I had many different experiences than them (small farm town vs. Upper East Side, NYC) but I am grateful that I didn't feel forced to grow up too soon. I hope that all of the kids that are the same ages of these kids on TV don't think that they have to be like them. Obviously a lot of this is scripted and not true. Unfortunately, some of it is - but that doesn't make it great. Even though the show made me gasp and watch in disbelief that this really happens, I will most likely watch it again.

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