Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dooms Day

Most mornings I send a daily email to one of my friends.  She usually enjoys my ridiculous stories (and was actually a huge inspiration to me to start this blog) and always has great advice for me.  

Here is how my email to her went:
From: "Lulu"
To: "Tina"
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 9:46 AM

 What the heck am I going to do?

Here is her hilarious response:
From: "Tina"
Subject: Re: Dooms Day <3
To: "Lulu"
Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 10:06 AM

I felt that this email needed a title....Dooms Day. Only great philosophers and anthropologist could have predicted this day would come for you. ;-)
I'm laughing my ass off over here reading your blog and now your email. OMG you actually like a boy! This is a riot! All I can say is don’t start acting different. I usually clam up when I start to like someone but after reading about your date it seems like you’re really comfortable with him so that’s good!
There’s nothing wrong with liking a boy (something I’m just realizing myself ahaha). Keep doing what you’re  & having fun.
So happy for you but if you get a boyfriend and stop being fun…I will murder you!!!

I absolutely loved her email.  Hilarious.  Even as I am sitting here re-reading it, I am laughing hysterically.  She is also 100% right about acting differently once you start to like a person.  It is something that you become conscious of when you start to like someone and worry or wonder what they are thinking about you.  That is why a person starts to like you in the first place.  That guy or girl likes YOU, not the you that you think they want you to be or act like.  I think it is really important to stick to your true self when dating or in a relationship, even though it can be really tough. 

As for her last comment about not being fun - that is DEFINITELY NOT ME!  I will continue to be fun or I will make sure she kills me.  And lets not jump the gun here; I do not have a boyfriend...yet.

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