Sunday, May 31, 2009

Wedding Hazards

This weekend I went back to Philadelphia for one of my friend's weddings.  She looked gorgeous and her wedding was beautiful and fabulous.  Normally, I am not a fan of weddings at all.  This one was a nice exception with a few mishaps (more about those later).  Even though I love to dress up and have a place to go, weddings just aren't really my thing.  I hate getting all teary eyed when the bride walks down the aisle, which I always do.  I also hate having to be quiet in church when you are sitting by your friends who make you want to giggle uncontrollably, which I did.  I also dislike the receptions when you have to wait until you have just the right amount of wine so that you can dance and not care if you look like a fool in front of the older crowd.  Those are just a few reasons I dislike weddings.  Silly, I know.  It is just the way I feel about them.  Sorry to all of you wedding lovers out there!

So another reason that I am adding to my laundry list of disliking weddings, is that you see people that you do not expect to run into.  I ran into a guy that I had a few dates with in college.  When I had known him, he worked at a bar in Manayunk.  He was super cute with a great smile.  At that time, we went on a few dates and then the next thing I knew he got a girlfriend - and she was not me.  I was upset about it at the time but moved on eventually.  At the wedding reception, not even 5 minutes after arriving, I saw him.  He had that same great smile but didn't have the same shine (you know when a guy loses their looks and just doesn't really strike you as that appealing anymore?).  He was working at the Radisson where the reception was as a bar manager or something of the sort.  I never said hi to him because I was too nervous.  I should have said hi but I didn't want to be "that girl."

My last reason (probably not my final one) for disliking weddings is that they are a hazard to your life.  As I was enjoying my meal, which was fabulous, and chatting with my friends, I began to choke on a piece of steak.  I wasn't thinking clearly as this was happening since I kept thinking "Ohh shit, I'm choking.  Don't make a scene.  Drink water.  Shit that didn't work.  Am I turning purple? Try to cough. Whew!!! That worked!"  I coughed out the piece of steak partially into my napkin, partially on my friend, and partially into my eye!  I was mortified and ran to the bathroom.  After I cleaned off my eye and my friend, I looked at my dress that was also sprinkled with steak and that water I tried to swallow it down with.  I looked like a mess.  Not only did people think I had thrown up, but I looked like I had too!  

In the end, things could have been worse.   I could have had to endure the embarrassment of having someone give me the Heimlich Maneuver and I also could have choked to death.  All in all, the wedding was perfect (again, with those few exceptions) and I had such a great time with my girlfriends!  

Congrats to the happy couple!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Golfing in the Office?

I was just at my local bank (I will not name names) where I was in line to deposit some money. I was waiting patiently in line, glancing around the bank. As I was looking down a hallway into the banking offices, I suddenly saw a golf ball roll by. Immediately following the little white ball, was a bank worker who carried his putter with pride as he smiled out to the customers in line. I couldn't believe it!

First of all, I only thought that golfing in offices happened in the movies. Second of all, why in the world would he be putting during office hours where customers can see? Third of all, I am totally appalled. I guess if he was on his lunch break it would be okay (as long as it wasn't in front of customers). There are so many people that are working so hard to make ends meet in this economy (and any economy) and to show those people that you are not taking your job seriously is absolutely crazy and a little inconsiderate.

My solution is to take that gentleman, put his job on probation, and send him out on the street to hand out his salary through vouchers to new customers that join the bank. This would boost his company's income, reduce his own, and teach him a lesson in respect. Maybe then he would consider working a little bit harder at his job and appreciating it a little bit more.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So he called...

Finally, the boy that I have been obsessing over sent me a text message.  He suggested that we get together tonight after work.  I was all excited to meet him until...

I noticed that my forehead was peeling from too much sun during my beach weekend!  I couldn't possibly go out looking like a snake shed its skin above my eyebrows.  I scrubbed, I exfoliated, I covered with makeup, and I scrubbed again.  My efforts were not rewarded with beautiful, radiant skin but only a raw, reddened area that used to be my forehead.  Trying to cover up the mess that I had made, I moved my bangs across the damage like a blanket, hoping that they would cover the redness.  Nope, they just swung in my eyes and back to the other side uncovering my awful doom.  I ended up telling him that I had to finish packing for my trip this weekend and that my laundry was taking longer than expected.  This was not a lie as I really was packing and doing laundry although I could have sped the process up a little bit in order to meet him out.

Do not worry my friends - We are going out on Monday!  Hopefully my forehead will be in better shape by then!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What If?

So after my many days of obsessing over Jeff Not Gay (the guy that I actually liked after a date), I still hadn't heard from him.  I was asking myself if I should text message him or not when my mother brought up a very valid point.  "What if he just isn't that into you?"  She had summed up the movie, all of my questions and made me worry all in one little phrase.  What if he didn't like me as much as I thought that I liked him?  I could be head over heels for someone and they might just be dating me for someone to take out to dinner or to have as a friend.

Honestly, I do not deserve anything better than what I put out in this world.   I date guys just because even if I am not really sure if I like them or not.  I continue to date guys even when I know that I am not as interested in them as they are in me.  I think that this might be karma and karma is a bitch.....  I do this to so many guys.  How did I think that it wouldn't come back to bite me in the butt?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Mayhem

I hope that everyone had a great Memorial Day.  I had so much fun at a party in Long Beach, NY.  Thanks for all of that free booze guys!  It did me wonders on Monday morning when I had to meet my date for lunch.  

I met Bar Boy for lunch on Monday afternoon at Inoteca on 3rd Avenue.  I had the BEST panini ever!  I don't know if it was that I was really hungry or it was just a really great sandwich.  The only bad part about it was that it had pesto in it, which is really good but gets in your teeth - not really the best idea to order on a date.  I went into the restroom to make sure that my teeth were all clear, however, the bathroom lights were so dim that I could barely see my teeth at all!  More dating hazards are to follow...

After lunch, we ventured to the Guggenheim.  I was so excited to finally get to see this museum that I ended up a little underwhelmed.  The Frank Lloyd Wright exhibit was cool, but I prefer paintings rather than architecture.  It is just my personal opinion but I was over the buildings and mini models after the first loop of the museum.  They also had a Kandinsky "exhibit" at the museum which consisted of a whole 2 paintings!  I was so disappointed.  Maybe I was just still a bit tipsy from the night before.

After the not so exciting museum trip, Bar Boy and I walked through Central Park.  Another dating hazard was walking in the park with high heels.  We wear them to be cute, but they can only go so far through the park.  It was also really hot outside and I was sweating so bad.  I could barely pay attention to the conversation because I was too worried about blisters and sweat stains.  I think he must have gotten the hint when he suggested that we stop by the Boat House.  I had only ever seen the boat house from the other side of the lake.  I was so excited to actually get to be there; it made up for the unexciting museum trip.  The pink lemonades with vodka were the perfect drink to cool down, take away my hangover, and just relax with.

Another, yes another, dating hazard happened after the 2nd drink.  Bar Boy brought up the issue of being in a serious relationship again.  I say again because we already had this conversation a little over a month ago.  I specifically explained to him that I was not ready to be in a serious relationship with anyone at the moment.  He continues to call, and he is a nice guy, so I continue to go out with him.  He mentioned this time, that he was ready for something serious.  I again, stuck to my guns and re-explained my position and what I felt.  

I honestly don't want to waste his time but I do enjoy hanging out with him.  I hope that I am not leading him on by still hanging out with him, but I really don't think I am since I am being completely honest with him. 

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Fountain of Dating

Yesterday, I had originally planned on staying in for one night in my life to catch up on some relaxation.  When I got home, I sat on the couch for a hot minute and then stood back up.  I realized that I physically couldn't sit in on such a nice night or I might freak out.  Soooo I texted Jeff Not Gay (the guy that I met for the 2nd time at Tin Lizzies this weekend).  He immediately said that we should meet for dinner.  
Just as I was going to get on the subway a super cute guy and his friends were talking to me.  We chatted the whole subway ride and he asked how we were ever going to meet up again.  I said "well you better get my phone # quick because I get off at the next stop." And he did!!! I didn't actually think that he would really want my number, nor did I think I could be that forward. 
I met Jeff Not Gay a short while later at the subway stop and we walked to a super cute place called Trattoria Spaghetto (really really awesome food).  We sat outside at this little table that was kind of secluded from everyone else.  Our table looked out to a very pretty fountain that was lit up (I swear to God I am not making that up).  He is definitely not gay, he is super funny, and very charming.  I went home with the biggest, goofiest, cheesy smile on my face.  I must have looked crazier than the cracked out lady on the corner.
I am in trouble.  I actually like a guy that I went out with.  This never really happens.  I am going to take my friend's advice and try not to over analyze.  As I am writing this, he sent me a text message about how he had a great time with me.  This is going to be interesting.
I think the fountain has something to do with this.... (see Dating Follies Part Deux).

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dating Follies Part Deux

The other day I talked about my friend who went on her first date in the city after a year and a half.  She reported back to me and said that it might have been one of the best dates ever, and also very much like a scene out of the movie.  Here is how it went...

They had dinner outside at a cafe and then went for a walk on the Lower East Side.  Went to a little bar and played darts.  Stumbled upon Washington Square Park and sat on a bench by a fountain.  They talked the whole time, and I imagine that they stared into each other's eyes longingly as the sun went down... Sorry, got a little carried away there!

There was only one problem...He mentioned something about them "dating" and that he was so happy to have met her because he was losing hope in all women, which means that he wants to get a little more serious than my friend might be ready for at the moment.  He seems to her to be a complete romantic and a little too mushy mushy (her words exactly).  She thinks that she got a little bit scared off by this... I know that she got scared!

This is something that one too many girls do when a guy starts to like us.  We always like what we cannot have, we like the chase (as do men).  For example, my friend was head over heals for this guy.  She loved his rocker looking long hair, his smile, he seemed funny and sincere.  Now, that he has shown a little interest, she isn't sure about his hair, and he might be a little too clingy and romantic for her.  This is what we do as women, we over analyze the situation and the person until we make ourselves not like them anymore - and this is where we get into trouble.  I have done this numerous times.  I don't really like a guy until he stops calling (it gets to be an issue).  Until I actually grow up, and decide that I'm done with this silly game, then I will realize to stop doing this and like a guy when he is around.

That is why this whole idea of dating is so complicated.  I think that there needs to be this balance of the right give and take (or the chase).  Without this balance, either the girl or the guy, gets thrown off.  Thankfully I have a very smart friend.  She has decided to stop (or try to stop) analyzing the situation, enjoy her time with him, and see where things go.  If he says that he wants something more serious than she is ready for, she will be honest with him and say how she is really feeling, no matter how she feels.  I wish her luck :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beach Boy

Last week I received a friend request on Facebook from a name that I thought I had recognized.  When I finally clicked on the picture, I realized that it was this guy that I had met at the beach when I was 15 years old!  Talk about a blast from the past!  

His picture was cute and I had remembered him from a really long time ago.  He said that he was going to be in the city in a week or so.  Last night, I met up with him at a bar uptown called The Snug.  It was a little bit random to be meeting someone with whom you hadn't talked to in just under a decade, but the conversation picked up quickly.  We chatted about how my friend and I had picked up him and his brother at the ripe old age of 15 (we were players even back then).  We talked about what each other was doing currently and everything that had happened in between.

Even though it didn't seem to be one of those matches made in movie heaven (come on, you thought I was going to love the guy I met forever ago) it was nice to catch up.  It was like reliving a little bit of history and then catching right back up to the future - a nice short story.  I am kind of glad that I didn't fall in love with him.  What would all of this hard work and heartbreak have been for?  Nothing???  I want something out of this dating, and it isn't going to be that I realize that I didn't need to go through any of it!

Fleet Week!

Tonight my girlfriend's and I went to a bar/restaurant called Latitude to celebrate my friend's recent engagement.  I am super excited for her and her fiance since they have been together for quite awhile and they are perfect for each other.  

This morning, I finally noticed the posters that were hung up in the subway's about Fleet Week.  For those of you who do not know what it is....

Since 1984, New York City has held Fleet Week to honor the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. The week features extensive military demonstrations, as well as the opportunity for the public to tour some of the visiting ships. The Memorial Day commemoration is a highlight of the week's festivities, featuring the singing of Taps and a military aircraft fly over in honor of those who lost their lives in service to the United States.

 I prefer to describe Fleet Week as the week when a ton of really cute Navy men in white and Marines in uniform come into the city to stir things up!  Tonight was not any different.  There were a few guys from the navy in Latitude tonight.  Even though they looked really great in their uniforms, I wasn't really into the guy that was hitting on me.  He continued to mention that his uniform must turn me on and continued to put his hat on my head, messing up my hair.  Personally, he was standing a little too close to me for comfort.  He even said that I was showing him that I liked him and there must be a great chemistry between us because I was standing there chatting with him.  I just felt like he had literally backed me into a corner and there wasn't any real way out except to have a conversation with him.

He was a nice guy, but just because he wore a uniform, that didn't make him any better than any other guy in that bar.  I think that it is something for us ladies to realize.  You can dress them up, but that doesn't always make them any better on the inside....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dating Follies

I am giving a shout-out to a great friend....She finally has a date!!!!  Congrats to her!

This particular friend has been living in New York City for about a year and a half now.  She is one of the most gorgeous girls I know, and she isn't crazy either.  So now you might be asking yourself "Why hasn't this nice beautiful girl gone on a date in such a long time?"  Well my friends, I have NO IDEA!  

On Saturday, I finally witnessed her go up to a guy that she had been eyeing (or obsessing over) for awhile.  She casually walked up to the bar and began small talk with him.  He, obviously interested, grew a set and gave him her number.  Thankfully she used it!  Now, because both of them stepped up to the plate, they are going for dinner tomorrow.

She told me today that she has been so nervous since they have been talking that she can't eat. Even though she is liking how skinny she is feeling, she just doesn't seem to have an appetite.  I am not sure why she is so nervous because he obviously likes her.  She is worried that she will not be able to even eat at dinner when they are out.  I suggested that it would be in her best interests to make sure that she has something in her stomach or is hydrated at the least.  You never want to be that girl that faints at her date because she was too giddy or nervous to eat.  Skinny or not - you will look like a loser if you fall over at the table.  This also goes for alcohol intake.  If your date has to physically carry you out of the restaurant after one little drink and no food in your stomach, he probably will not call again.  Unless he goes for the girl that talks in run-on sentences and drools, it wouldn't be wise to get too wasted.  Moral of the story - Eat something even if you have to force it down!

I hope that I didn't make her more nervous :)  It will be fun! I promise! Sorry that I can't offer to make you something to eat, since I don't cook and all...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Honesty over Chivalry?

Tonight I met one of my fabulous girlfriends for a drink at Bobby Vans on Wall Street.  We had a couple of drinks and then went a little bit farther uptown for dinner at Morandi.   Morandi is a great little place in the West Village that serves the most amazing food ever!  

In our travels, we were discussing men.  This is not a new topic :)  We were talking about honesty.  She was telling me how she met this new guy who was a little "rough around the edges" and maybe a little bit forward by saying whatever he thought and felt.  She was a little taken aback by it at first but then began to realize something - he wasn't playing any games.  He said what he wanted, was a little too honest, put everything on the table right up front.  

Even though this might have been slightly alarming to her at first, she thought about all of the other men that she had dated who were so completely opposite.  The other men were reserved but also quiet and secretive.  They didn't tell the full truth, didn't put everything out in the open and seemed more like they were playing a game rather than really wanting to be getting into something serious.  

I don't ever look at things like that so in depth because I am not one to be looking for a serious relationship at the moment.  However, my friend brings up a very valid question.  If a guy's actions seem a little brash and maybe even a little too forward, is that necessarily a bad thing?  He is being himself, he is being open and honest and being a confident person.  (This is obviously a generalization and not true for all men).  A guy who is a little more reserved may be holding something back, not saying what he truly thinks and feels for fear of going against the social norms and not wanting to seem wrong.  Could this guy be more inclined to hide things from you?  I think that answer is Absolutely! 

This shy guy is too worried about what you or other people think to tell you the truth about himself, good and bad.  The guy that is open and honest doesn't give a shit about what other people are thinking and will tell you what is on his mind.  Haven't our mother's always told us that "honesty is always the best policy"?  At least mine has... Who cares that he might not always be the most proper guy at the dinner table.  He is the most genuine and true and will not care that he might not have used the correct fork; he cares that he is the guy sitting at the table with the most fabulous girl there. She is there because he is honestly a great guy!

(I have edited this post due to the comment that was made about it. I must have had a little too much red wine last night. Warning to myself: Do not post when tipsy! To address the comment - I did not mean to make the gentleman out to be rude to others. I was talking about him being very open, honest, and blunt with a new date. I removed the part about the man's tie at the table since it was not something that happened, but an example of something that might have. Since this did not help to make the point I was trying to make, I revised it. I absolutely agree that if someone is crude or rude to another person right in front of you it should be your signal to Run for the Hills! Thank you for pointing out my error!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Phone Names

I recently posted about how when I meet people and get their phone numbers I put them in my phone as a name that I can remember them by.  Have you ever wondered what people have named you in their phone?  I found out one of my "phone names" last night.

My girlfriends and I went to a really really fun little bar called Tin Lizzie on 86th and 2nd Avenue last night.  As soon as we walked in, I noticed a really cute blond guy standing at the bar.  I smiled and mentioned to my friend that I thought I knew him.  The girls and I ended up dancing towards the back area of the bar where I saw him again and decided that I definitely knew him but couldn't figure out where I had met him. 

A guy approached one of my friends and gave her this line about having known her in 2nd grade.  He went on and on about how they grew up together and were in the same class, but he was from Russia.  My friend is not.  He didn't know her at all.  We were laughing so hard about this awful way to pick up a girl (it only works if you really know the person or if you are David Beckham).  The guy that I thought I had met before had heard the entire thing and we all began to talk.  Because of the bad pickup line, I just dove right in..."I didn't meet you in the 2nd grade but I think that I have met you before."  He agreed and we slowly began to piece together when we met even though we couldn't totally figure it out.

When we met, over 6 months ago, he said that he had been flirting with me for about an hour but then had to leave the bar.  Since I had been out with my gay boyfriend that night, I had apparently made some comment to him asking if he was hitting on me or my friend, implying that he was gay.  I didn't believe that I would have said that at all but I apologized to him because that was rude if that is what I really did say.  We decided to exchange phone numbers in any case because we were chalking re-meeting each other up to fate.  When he put my # in his phone, it said that he already had that same #.  He had me listed in his phone as Not Really Gay Girl!  My girlfriends and I were dying with laughter.  It ended up being a great night of dancing, drinking, laughing, and having fun.

PS) He went in my phone as Jeff Not Gay.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell

I just bought this book called I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell by Tucker Max.  The reason I got it was because of the back cover which reads:

"My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole.  I get excessively drunk at inappropriate times, disregard social norms, indulge every whim, ignore the consequences of my actions, mock idiots and posers, sleep with more women than is safe of reasonable, and just generally act like a raging dickhead.  But I do contribute to humanity in one very important way: I share my adventures with the world."

I cannot wait to read this book!

Rooftop Madness

Last night my girlfriend and I went to a rooftop bar called Rare View on 37th and Lexington Avenue.  This bar is obviously supposed to have a really great view but we didn't get to see it.  We walked onto the roof and were instantaneously greeted by the loudest and most obnoxiously funny guy in the bar.  He had been drinking since about 5:00; it was around 11 when we got there.  He offered to buy everyone shots and that is how our night got off to a good start. 

The Really Really Drunk Guy, as he shall be called, had some really really cute friends.  How lucky for us!  Everyone was really nice and very funny.  Unfortunately Rare View closes at 12 midnight.  I am assuming that there is some reason for that but if it isn't necessary, I suggest they keep it open until about 4 am.  Since the bar was closing we decided to go with our new found friends to a "house" party (there aren't too many houses in Manhattan so it was technically an apartment party but that just doesn't have the same ring to it).  The issue of too many people for a cab came up again, so we hopped in the closest limo.  Seriously!  I know that you guys reading this are going to stop believing me because it is absolutely absurd, but so true.  This time the limo was one of those white wedding limos.  Cabs around here should start driving 14 person passenger vans, they are beginning to lose business to limos like wildfire.

At this point I was really tipsy because of all of the shots on the roof.  As I am writing this I have the biggest headache ever from the Tequila and I might still be a little drunk :)  The party was fun and I was flirting with this guy that had come to the house party from the roof.  He was cute and we were laughing about how crazy Really Really Drunk Guy was being.  He is also a banker so I decided to blame the entire world's financial situation on him, all in good fun though.  We ended up kissing a little and then he got my number.  At this point I did not remember his name and didn't want to ask again so that I wouldn't seem rude.  I honestly am just really bad with names, which I need to work on.  So I am hoping that he calls and I can ask..."who is this?" so that he tells me his name.  If he doesn't call, he will be named Banker.

One major thing that was a huge issue for me last night was the fact that I couldn't remember which guys I talked to or didn't talk to already.  I would end up asking a person the same question I just asked them 10 minutes earlier.  Since I am so bad with names, I identify with what people are wearing.  Last night, almost all of the guys were wearing white striped button down shirts with jeans.  There must have been about 10 guys with the same shirt on, so they all must have thought that I was totally drunk since I couldn't figure out who I had already had a conversation with.  Do me a favor boys - Wear something other than a white striped button down!  It helps us girls focus a little.  I will also do my part and think up new intro questions so that I don't always ask the same one.  Are there any really great intro questions out there?  I mean you have to go through all of the boring stuff first before you can get to the really interesting stuff right?  Maybe I could ask why they chose the shirt they are wearing...

Friday, May 15, 2009


Hanson + Smashing Pumpkins = Tinted Windows

I was just watching E! News (the only news that I really watch) and they just reported that Taylor Hanson has gotten together with the Smashing Pumpkins to create a "super group" called Tinted Windows.  Yeah, you just thought WTF?  Me too!

When I was a little girl my sister, best friend and I were madly obsessed with Hanson.  We went to the concert, had the t-shirts, and all of that silly stuff that crazy little girls do for their teen idol crushes.  I cannot say for sure that my heart didn't jump just a little seeing Taylor Hanson all grown up :) 

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Idol

I have never been so excited for 60 minutes in my life!

This was taken from The Cut...

Anna Wintour Explains Why She Wears Sunglasses Inside

Sunday's 60 Minutes segment on Anna Wintour will be amazing thanks to the hard-hitting reporting by Morley Safer. He asked the truly tough questions, the ones — and we say this with no trace of sarcasm — that have been burning unanswered in the pit of our souls for years. Such as, why does Anna wear sunglasses indoors? "They are seriously useful," she explains. "I can sit in a show and if I am bored out of my mind, nobody will notice… At this point, they have become, really, armor."

Absolute fabulousness that she could be so bored out of her mind at a fashion show.  I mean honestly...she is so great that she makes us (the masses) feel so little and unimportant but I can still love her and everything that she does.  I once saw her almost fall at Fashion week coming out of the Michael Kors show - That was almost the highlight of my life because then I would have known that she is a little human and not some perfect lady all of the time.

Don't Text Unless Texted to 1st

So here is how my Wednesday night went...
Bar Boy and I went to Minetta Tavern and couldn't get a table, we had a drink but the wait would have been 2 hours!  So we decided to go to Strip House (a steak house for those of you with colorful imaginations).  I totally forgot that I had been there at all until we walked in.  I instantly thought of the guy that I had been there with so I decided to text him... like an idiot (this is the guy that disappeared and then sent me a :) text out of nowhere the other week.  Here is how the text conversation went...
Me -  "I'm at Strip brought me here right?" (why do I even text him this, acting like I don't remember who took me)
:) -  "Yep.  I hope you don't have a better date!" (Who says that after not calling, ever!)
Me-  "Well he does call me back..." (That was a Zinger)
:) - "Ouch!" (that was supposed to hurt)
Me -  "Well its true.  Honestly why did you ever stop calling?  It's ok, I can take it." (Ohh I am soooo tough)
Me - " I really want to know why you stopped least let me move on." (and I never fail to make myself look like an obsessed maniac with him)
:)  -   doesn't text again.... (of course I knew that would happen)
When I re-read all of these texts in the morning I am so angry for even text messaging him at all.  Why do we ladies do this to ourselves?  We only like the boys that don't like us back and we just keep on asking for more when we know that we shouldn't.
I was going to delete him out of my phone.  I tried and I can't.

Moral of the story: Don't text unless texted to first or you will be sorry in the morning (no matter ho many drinks you might have had, it is NEVER a good idea!)
It is also a good idea to pay more attention to the nice guy that took you to dinner rather than the guy who hasn't called and dropped off the face of the Earth - there is most likely a reason that he isn't calling (I was hoping that reason was that he was gay, but that is another story).


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Reality Bites

So I went on my little date tonight...which turned out to be absolutely awful.  The dentist was nice but talked about himself too much.  He also mentioned the fact that he had 2 places, a car, and only had to work 4 days out of the week.  This is all well and good but the fact that he barely even asked about what I do or asked any questions at all was the part that made me dislike him.  He did seem a bit nervous so I guess that I will let him slide.

My dilemma about ending the date early or missing my favorite reality show was actually figured out for me.  Not only was the guy kinda dorky, but unfortunately my sister's amazing puppy passed away tonight.  I am so upset for her and I couldn't possibly think about anything else while sitting in that bar.  My date could have told me he was giving me a million dollars and I wouldn't have even heard him.  So I ended up leaving early and coming home which gave me the chance to watch The Real Housewives of New York reunion special, however I wish the circumstances would have been a little different to make me want to stay out.

Rest in Peace Vegas... You will always be in our hearts <3

Date or Reality?

I am going on a date tonight with Mike Gold - the dentist from the other night at the fashion show who lives on Gold Street.  I am pretty excited, however, one of my favorite shows is on tonight.

The Real Housewives of New York City....are absolutely ridiculous but I looove this show.  The reunion special is on tonight and you know what that means...Bitchiness!  These ladies are the cattiest group of grown women that I have seen in awhile but they fight like they are in High School - that is why I enjoy their antics so much.

Is it really that bad to cut a date a little bit short to come home and bond with my fake friends on TV?  We will see.....

PS) This picture of them might just explain it all :)

Monday, May 11, 2009

AIDS Walk 2009

I'm walking for AIDS this Sunday in Central Park...

AIDS Walk New York
Sunday May 17, 2009 from 8:30am - 3:00pm
Central Park

New York CityNew York Get Directions
The AIDS Walk New York began in 1985 and is now the largest AIDS fundraiser in the world. Since 1986, AIDS Walk New York has raised more than $105 million for HIV programs and services in the tri-state area. 

In 2008 alone, 45,000 participants, many of whom were members of 2,450 corporate and community teams, raised a record sum of over $7 million for Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) and 50 other local AIDS service organizations. GMHC is the world's most comprehensive provider of AIDS services for men, women and children.

The AIDS Walk begins and ends in Central Park. Walkers should enter the venue at the corner of the park at 59th St. and 5th Ave. to turn in their funds. It is 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) and takes roughly 2-3 hours to complete. 

8:30 a.m. - Sign-In Opens.
9:15 a.m. - Aerobic Workout.
9:30 a.m. - Opening Ceremony Begins.
10:00 a.m. - AIDS Walk New York Begins!
12:30 pm - Post-walk Concert Begins
3:00 pm - Announcement of Results

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Birthday Fabulousness

My Saturday night followed suit with Friday - Amazing!  A really great friend of mine had her birthday party at The Park.  It is the cutest place.  You really do feel like you are in a park, a really really awesome park with great food and drinks!  The place has trees all over,  brick pavers and slate on the floors, and all over windows, even on the roof which give the feeling of being outside.  It actually took me a little while to realize that we weren't really outside - that may or may not have been the Pino Grigio's fault :)

After hors d'oeuvres and drinks came the dancing which was done uptown at Bruno's on 81st and Madison (Here is a little article to understand this place a little better - Hint: They do NOT care about a Recession).  I was just starting to feel out of place as I read the drink menu with its expensive wine list, until a gentleman approached our table and said that a fashion show would be starting shortly.  Now this is my kind of place, I thought to myself.  The clothing was a little too risque for my liking but there were a few interesting pieces.  During the show, there was also a woman sketching and painting a piece that would be sold later in the evening.

The randomness began when my friends and I went downstairs to see some of the clothes up close.  As a girlfriend of mine put on a dress that they were calling "Paradise" she went over to the mirror to check it out.  After awhile of debating, an older gentleman walked by her, looked her up and down (a little creepily) and said "Enjoy it hunny.  It's yours." He paid, walked away, and didn't even ask her name.  After I got over the shock that the guy just bought a $350 dress for a girl whom he didn't know, I was secretly wishing that I had tried something on.

This was just a sampling of the adventure known as Bruno's.  In one corner was the dress buying guy, who ended up purchasing a few of the paintings that were on the walls for sale, with his other very wealthy friends.  In another corner a very old, very large gentleman was growling and biting a young girls neck while her friend kissed his cheek.  This man will be known by me as gross, and to some others, a very smart man.  Classy.

I had a fabulous time and I honestly have to say that I am beginning to be a little jaded by this city.  I am starting to expect that these ridiculous things happen all of the time.  Who knew?

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Prom Night

Late Friday night (after my little dinner with Stock Exchange Boy) my girlfriend and I went out clubbing.  First, we went to One in the Meatpacking District.  We went with our friend who is a promoter who was working that night and he sat us at a table with a bottle.  Normally, it is nice to be at a table because you get a little bit of breathing room to dance and have fun without having a bunch of people running into you, which can get to be exhausting.

Since our friend is a promoter, he had invited about a million girls who swarmed the table as soon as the vodka showed up.  My friend and I were dancing and having a good time before that but then felt like we had been trampled by a bunch of crazy ladies (Not to say that I have never done the same when I saw a whole bottle of free vodka for the taking).  Since we were sharing with a whole bunch of other people, and our promoter friend was being a little stingy with the alcohol, we decided to chat up the 4 cute guys at the table next to us....lets just call them all Jersey Boys (and yes, they had spiked hair)!

The Jersey Boys were dancing and laughing with us and pouring our drinks whenever we were empty.  After awhile it started to get really crowded and they suggested that we go to a different club.  They wanted to go to Greenhouse (the place that hosted the Fashion show that I was at earlier in the week!).  We were all up for going to a new location so we made our way out of One.

When we got outside, there was the usual confusion of where is a cab and how are we going to get 6 people into one cab or who is going to split up.  Instead of figuring that out, the Jersey Boys decided to flag down the nearest Limo down the street.  So my girlfriend and I and the 4 Jersey boys hopped in the Limo and headed to Greenhouse.  We all felt like it was Prom night! When we arrived at the second club for the night, I felt like a celebrity.  We all got out of the Limo and went right into the club, skipping the line of people waiting outside.  I felt a little bit bad but I have been in that line before, so it was nice to be able to be on the other end for a change.

We danced until dawn at Greenhouse to a great DJ.  I love this crazy city!

Dating Dilemma

On Friday, I went out for dinner with the blind date guy (Stock Exchange Boy) from last week.  We went to a place called Il Mattone in Tribecca (it is so cute and quaint that it doesn't even have its own website!).  I had the seafood ravioli....YUM!  

At dinner, Stock Exchange Boy and I were discussing relationships in general and he mentioned something that was a little shocking to me.  He said that he is divorced.  This threw me a little bit and I was thinking about it the rest of the evening.  

On one hand, it is something that makes you question the person.  Why are they divorced? Were they a jerk? Was their wife a jerk? He elaborated on the situation by saying that his Ex-Wife and him are still friends and talk about once a month.  Things had just ended because they grew apart.

Ok, so fine, things ended amicably.  Then I started thinking if I would ever want to be in a serious relationship with someone who is divorced (I know it should be more about the person and not their status, but it is something to think about).  I would think that if/when I get married I would want to go on that journey with someone that hasn't been there before.  I would want to experience it with my husband who was also experiencing marriage for the first time too.  On the other hand, I hear that marriage is HARD.  Maybe it would be better to marry someone who has been through the situation before and has learned from the mistakes of the past.

I think the conclusion that I came to in the end is that it should be more about the person and not their relationship title.  Another conclusion is that I am not ready to get married anytime soon, so I won't have to think about that for awhile :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fashion Show Fun

On Wednesday night, my gay boyfriend and I attended the Dana Maxx fashion show at Greenhouse in Soho.  It was such a phenomenal event, especially because of the free Pink Vodka!  

The only complaint that I had was that the show didn't start on time (what else is new).  The show started 1 hour after it's scheduled time...come on, Mark Jacobs didn't even start his show late this season!  Other than that, the show was done well and the clothes were super cute.  After the show, the entertainment was amazing.  They had a great singer with a girl playing a violin that looked like a little electric guitar (she told me later that it is called  Viper - what a cool name for an instrument!) that made the craziest music ever.  After that little show the DJ played some fun club music.

In between the dancing, drinking, and fashion, I met a few boys (again...what else is new).  The guys were all really fun and different.  When I meet a guy and get his phone number, I often make up a name for him to put in my phone so that i can remember who it is that is calling.  Honestly this might sound rude but there are just too many guys with the same name to keep them all straight.  Here are a few of the guys I met last night and their cellphone names.

Chris Fashion Show - He was one of the first guys I noticed when I walked in.  He is super tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a killer smile.  He looks like he could have been a model if they would have had men's clothes.  Chris Fashion Show and his friends were a lot of fun and interesting as well.  The one thing is that neither he or his friends wanted to buy a drink after the free Vodka had run out.

Mike Gold - This guy actually lives on Gold Street around the corner from me.  He was super cute and realllllly nice.  He is also a dentist and bought me a drink after the happy hour was over.  

Greg Douche - I know, I know...what a silly name to give someone.  When I first met him, Greenhouse had started to empty out.  He was telling really stupid jokes and I thought that he was a douche bag, hence his cellphone name.  He actually turned out to be really fun and took myself and my gay boyfriend to one of my favorite places in the city...Apotheke.

Apotheke is a great hidden bar on quiet little street that was fashioned after Parisian Absinthe dens and a European apothecary.  All of the bartenders or "chemists" wear a white chemist coat and are masters at mixing interesting drinks.  I love love love this place! Check out the website, there is so much history to the place and the street. 

When I was leaving at 1 am, it was pouring down rain...and I didn't have an umbrella.  I looked absolutely ridiculous running through the streets in my 4 inch heels with my coat over my head.  Luckily I found a cab in a couple of minutes.  When will this week of rain stop?!?!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Crazy

I do not understand the "Holiday's" in New York.  It seems that whenever there is a national celebration, everyone wants to be out drinking and joining in the party.  What ever happened to just going out on a regular old night?  I actually enjoy regular nights better than holiday nights.

For example, today is Cinco De Mayo.  It is a major margarita swilling night for all of New York and all over the world, whether you know what the holiday is for or not.  My friends from work and I went to 3 different bars before we finally found a seat outside in the freezing cold to fit a table of 8 at Blockheads (  We sipped frozen margaritas in 50 degree weather.  How fun for me.  

I would rather enjoy a regular rainy, drizzly night inside by a cozy fire or on a comfy couch with a glass of wine other than freezing my tail outside with tequila flavored crushed ice.  Am I the only one that is not impressed by the intense holidays here in the city?  Is this everywhere or am I growing up?  God, I hope not :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Wedding Fun

This weekend I came back to Pennsylvania for a wedding. I usually really hate weddings so I wasn't very excited except for the fact that I would be seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in awhile. The reasons that I hate weddings are:

1) There is always someone (read: my mother) trying to set me up with a boy at the wedding. I hate being fixed up like that.

2) There is a bouquet toss for all of the single girls

3) I just do not like weddings.

So, as usual, this wedding wasn't any different than others. My family and the Groom's family had been trying to set me up with some nice Italian boy that was in the wedding party. First of all, he was a very nice guy. Second of all, I do not want to meet a nice guy at the moment. Third of all, I hate being fixed up. I am only 24 and I do not want anything serious for right now. If he would offer to take me out to dinner, I would go, but that is all.

There was a bouquet toss that I almost got out of by hiding in the corner. Unfortunately I was called out by the Groom's mother and forced to stand with the other single girls. I stood with my hands laced behind my back, just in case. Thankfully the dreaded flowers didn't land anywhere near me.

I did have fun dancing and drinking with my family. My mother and father got a little tipsy and ended up having a chat with that nice Italian boy. They were acting like it was the 1700's and trying to sell me off for a couple of chickens and a horse and buggy (I am apparently that great of a catch that I get a buggy). They thought that I would like him because he "can cook a mean meat sauce." I am just fine with Ragu thank you very much.

Later in the night, not letting the idea of marrying me off go, my mother was chatting up the wedding photographer and made me sit by her as she was telling him all of my accomplishments and adding that I need someone who can cook for me. The photographer looked at me and said that he is a great Italian cook. I smiled politely as the first nice Italian boy came over to the 3 of us. On queue, my mother retorts "Looks like you have a little bit of competition for your meat sauce buddy!" The photographer and the Italian begin to recite their recipes for their prizewinning sauces as I shake my head at my mother who is laughing hysterically and run off to dance on the other side of the floor.

All in all I had a great time. Lets see who emails me their meat sauce recipe first :)

Blind Date Awkwardness

On Friday night I had a blind date. One of my good friends here in the city met this guy out at a bar and found out that he lived down the street from me. She gave him my number and he ended up calling me a few days ago.

I met Stock Exchange Boy at a bar close to the South Street Seaport called Nelson Blue ( This is a really cute New Zealand bar that has a familiar local crowd and great food. Stock Exchange Boy was really nice and funny. I met him and his friends after they had been celebrating another friend's promotion. Their boss was there with them and the entire group seemed to be having a lot of fun and they were all joking around with me.

The confusion started when the girl behind the bar would not take my drink order. It became obvious that she was avoiding our side of the bar. I was beginning to think that it was because I had joined the mix until she said to Stock Exchange Boy "Your friend left me an awful tip!" He was confused at this comment until he asked his boss what kind of tip he left. The boss, obviously surprised that the bartender had called him out, started making excuses about how his burger wasn't cooked right. The guys continued to question him and things quickly became more uncomfortable, especially for me. My phone rang, thankfully saved by the bell, I took the call outside.

I was contemplating leaving the bar at that moment but decided to go back inside to finish my drink. When I got back into the bar Stock Exchange Boy and all of his friends were handing the grinning waitress a $20 bill each. She had obviously made out on that deal in the end but I eventually found out that their boss had only left $93 on an $89 bill.

How rude of a boss is that! Thankfully the boss has some good workers that aren't cheap asses. I can only speculate that this is a part of the reason that our country is in the situation it is. The boss keeps all of his money for himself while he makes his workers do everything for him, at their expense and at the expense of other parties (the girl that is on the blind date and has to suffer by being uncomfortable and biting her tongue).