Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Text messages can actually be quite tricky. They have actually caused a lot of trouble and worry that we wouldn't have ever had before the invention of this tiny little message.

I personally am a bad texter. It used to take me forever to write a short message because the phone I was using was as old as a dinosaur. Now that I have my new iPhone, I am a fast texter but I'm still pretty bad at it. I'm an awful texter because I don't really ever know what to write back to people. I try to be funny but I sound sarcastic and mean. I try to sound consoling and instead I just write a :( face. I try to flirt and be cute and it comes out dumb. Someone needs to offer a class - Showing the Right Textmotion 101.

My friend is having a text message issue as well. She hasn't heard from this guy that she has been interested in for quite some time now. Yesterday, after a long hiatus, he text messaged her and said "Hey you". How is that for literary genius? Since she decided that she deserved more than a silly 2 word message she didn't write him back. Instead she held out for a phone call that hasn't come yet.

The politics of texting between people can get so heated. My friend is now in the game of who will contact who. How will this guy ever know that she would have preferred an actual phone call. We might say "How hard is it to pick up the phone and call?" but for some, it takes more effort to send a text. When I send an important text, I think about it for awhile, write it, delete it, write it, edit it, give up and send it. Then it usually doesn't say what I want it to say anyway so I have to follow up with another text. Honestly, sometimes more thought goes into a text. You can't deny what is written down and saved in another person's phone but you can say that someone misheard you if you happen to not say what you meant to say.

So who is right here? Is it bad manners to just text message if it has been awhile since speaking? Is it better to just not say anything at all? Would a phone call really have helped in this situation? Are there classes for etiquette with phone use - Textiquette perhaps?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Bug Bites Bite

I currently have a huge bug bite on my eyelid. It is puffy and looks like a sty. I almost cancelled my date with Meat Head tonight because of it. Unfortunately he is going on vacation later this week and I won't get a chance to see him any other night (More on how I've become a loser later).

I cannot put anti-itch cream on my eyelid for fear that it would run into my eye. I can't take Benadryl internally or I will fall asleep on my dinner. Thankfully there are these amazing inventions called eyeliner and mascara! My eyelashes are currently super long - Thank you Loreal. I also have covered the bump which is right on my lash line with the eyeliner and have covered that with eyeshadow. Just to take extra precaution, I have parted my hair on the side and will sit through dinner with bangs in my face :) The picture below is of the boots I am using to cover up the bites on my ankles!

The mosquitoes won't get the best of me!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Tipping Point

When I am out at a party or at a bar there is this point in time that I would like to think of as "The Tipping Point." That point is when you have had a few drinks and are having a fun time but you begin to make decisions that you might consider to be bad decisions if you wouldn't have had that last drink.

One of the bad decisions that I make often is that I decide to drunk dial. I look through my phone and decide that the guy I haven't talked to in a few months, needs to hear from me. This guy doesn't need to hear from me. Don't drunk dial. One of my close friends decided to take action against drunk dialing. She changed the name of the guy that she normally calls when she is tipsy to "Don't Even Think About It" instead of his name. This way, there is a reminder every time she thinks about picking up that phone.

Another not so hot decision is kissing the boy that keeps getting cuter the more you sip your margarita. Don't drink until he is cute because at a point down tho road, you will be sober again and he won't be as cute. If you do decide to smooch with beer goggles, make sure not to take any pictures with him. That way you can always be in denial about him and think he really was that cute.

Don't be "That Girl" which isn't really a conscious decision but is way after the tipping point. If you do get super drunk, go home! "That Girl" usually decides not to go home and continues dancing like she is on the set of footloose, falling all over her friends, accidentally showing her floral undies to the rest of the bar when she tries to sit on the bar stool and falls off of it. If you are a friend to "That Girl" be sure to make the right decision and get her home immediately!

Always make sure to wear cute shoes when you are going out. However, if you get to the point where you look like you are walking on stilts and wobbling all over the place, it might be your cue to slow down on the drinks. Don't ruin your shoes because you are drinking. That might be the worst decision ever!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Are Guys Made To Buy Drinks?

Last night, a few of my girlfriends and I went to a cute little bar in the Lower East Side called The Vig Bar. We finally got out of a conversation with the weirdest guy ever (he was listening to his iPod in the bar which had a DJ blasting music) and happened to spot a set of 3 cute guys - the perfect number to match our party. We were all talking and having a good time and drinking. The girls bought more drinks and then awhile later, the guys bought some drinks but didn't offer to buy us any. It is not that we always expect drinks, but it is a nice gesture (and if you are a guy bragging about how many properties you own in the city and across the US, you can certainly afford a Dirty Martini too). We continued on to another bar with the boys who, again, didn't offer to buy drinks. This bar was super crowded and it was very difficult to even find the bar much less order from it. When they bought theirs, they should have offered to get some for us.

By the end of the night, one of the guys made a comment to my friend about being a guy and being expected to buy her drink and how he doesn't do that. She hadn't said anything to him and had been buying her drinks all night without complaint. Should guys make the offer and buy the drink?

- Girls buy makeup, purses, cute outfits, lots of shoes, hair products, etc to make themselves look cute to go out. Do we have to buy our own drinks on top of all that?

- It is a nice gesture to buy a girl a drink or at least offer. If you are a guy and don't want to buy a drink for a girl, wait until she has a full one in her hand to get one for yourself. That way, you can offer but she will have to say no since she already has one - unless she is a lush and wants to down 2 at a time. In that case, run.

- Girls, don't wait around for a guy to buy your drink. Make sure that you can in fact buy your own. The point of getting a guy to buy your drink shouldn't be because you are strapped for cash. Very few guys want to see a desperate woman in need of a drink waiting at the bar empty handed. You will look more confident if you just waltz up to the bar by yourself and open your own wallet. Hey, who knows, the guy standing at the bar might be cuter than the one you left standing on the dance floor.

- If you are chatting with a guy for awhile and he doesn't offer to buy you a drink, he might not be into you. If a guy likes you, he wants to show off his macho man moves and offer to get you something from the bar. It is a nice gesture and he wants you to stick around and have that drink with him. You should drink your cocktail with the person who bought it for you.

Just a few things to keep in mind when you are searching the bar for someone to quench your thirst...

Synched Up

I tried my hardest to post a blog from my new iPhone, however, I am accepting defeat on this one for now. I just cannot get it to type into the box it is supposed to type into. I can give the blog a name and a label, I just can't type it. Posting while being out and about in the city would be perfect. Until further notice I am still posting from my computer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Isn't it funny how hard some people work to get things for free? I am definitely on top of that list of people. Tonight, I spent a lot of my evening running around Soho looking for a free goody bag for a Lucky Magazine shopping event. After my friend and I finally scored our gift bags, there were countless girls who asked us where we got them. If they only knew that the bags contained a magazine and a few crappy lip gloss samples they might not have been so eager to get them.

Free things are so much fun though. It is like a little bonus that you get for doing nothing but just being in the right place at the right time (the key is to get one before they run out). Another fun thing to get for free are drinks. In the city there are a few open bars that happen every once in awhile. It is a nice change of pace to get a drink for free rather thank pay upwards of $12 for one. An open bar is sometimes the devil in disguise. The drinks are free which make you drink more, and sometimes faster if there is a time limit, which gets you drunk pretty quickly. Usually the open bars are right after work which means that they are before any sort of dinner, another hazard of the open bar.

Just like anything else, it is only good in moderation. Too many free drinks - well, you can guess what happens. Too many free gift bags - they lose their luster and appeal. Too many free shoes - there is nothing wrong with that. I can't wait until that day comes for me!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A New Name For Meat Head

Over these past few weeks that I have been seeing Meat Head, there have been a few people that have asked about him. When they ask "How is Meat Head doing?" or "How are things with Meat Head going?" I don't typically think of him. Instantly my imagination takes me to a fist pumping, hair full of gel, muscle milk slugging, Jersey Boy. This is not my Meat Head, therefore, he needs a new nickname. I am also thinking that people are beginning to assume he is stupid or slow (no offense to you real meat heads out there) and he really isn't. I don't want people to think that I would spend my time with someone really dumb. Here are some of the names I was thinking of...

- Rebound Guy - I might be his rebound girl, so I might as well just call him rebound guy. I am always rebounding from some kind of date, even if it isn't an actual relationship.

- Buff Guy - While he isn't a Meat Head, he still works out and has nice muscles.

- Jersey Boy - Yes, he is from Jersey (which is one of the main reasons that he was named Meat Head in the first place) and it is only appropriate to base his namesake off of the wonderful state that he comes from.

- Sneaker Man - Every time that we have hung out and gone to dinner, he has worn a different pair of sneakers. He even has a pair with his name embroidered on them. Now you all know what we have in common - Footwear!

Until further notice, I guess that I will continue to call him Meat Head. I am going for drinks with him tonight, so maybe I will come up with a better name then :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Birthday Fabulousness Part 3

This weekend I finally finished celebrating my 25th birthday. It is a lot of fun celebrating for an entire week, however, it is also exhausting. I was in sunny Pennsylvania this weekend to party with my family and old school friends (not that they are "old school" but they are longtime friends that I went to school with). Here are a few of the new things I learned this lovely weekend - It is true that you get smarter with age:

1) Birthday shoes are a must. They are fun and fantastic. See below for a few selections from my week.

2) Electric fly swatters are a hoot and can make hours of fun. They are also quite effective and totally worth the $3.00. I don't suggest shocking yourself with it though. It seems like a fun idea and it's really not fun.

3) Chicken cutlets (not the food) are a very interesting invention. Who knew that something that resembles a cold dead bird can make for such lifelike and realistic looking cleavage.

4) Nothing beats a home-cooked meal. I lied. Eating a home-cooked meal with your family is even better.

5) Eating a home-cooked meal with your family and having birthday cake for dessert is priceless. I know I sound like a credit card commercial but, damn that cake was good.

Here are some of the shoes that helped me celebrate my birthday....love them!

Also, thank you to everyone who helped me have fun in these shoes while I celebrated...love them too!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Heart Surprises

Today after a long day at work, I walk into my building and my doorman says that I have a delivery. That delivery happens to be a beautiful bouquet of flowers! The fabulous surprise came via Meat Head.
I think he likes me :)

Birthday Fabulousness Part 2

Last night I celebrated my turning 'half of fifty' at the Minetta Tavern. I was so excited to go to this restaurant since it is almost impossible to get reservations (a few months wait for a table = impossible). The dinner was absolutely worth the wait and amazing! Can you say "mashed potatoes mixed with blue cheese" amazing? I probably gained 10 pounds at that one dinner.

At dinner, we were approached by a couple of guys that my friend knew. They sat down and bought us another bottle of wine. They seemed nice at first but then they were a little too tipsy for my tastes. All of the boys that read this blog, please know that girls don't generally like guys who are drunk, talking too close to your face, trying to put their arms around you when it is uninvited, and kissing you on the cheek when it is very uninvited. Us ladies don't really tend to like that too much.

Despite the really drunk guys, I had a wonderful time catching up with friends and toasting to my last 25 years and my upcoming ones. I can't wait to see how fabulous they are going to be!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Birthday Fabulousness Part 1

Last night my friends and I went out to The Maritime Hotel to celebrate my birthday. We sat outside at La Bottega since it was such nice weather. Despite the waiter moving at a snail's pace, we had a fabulous time chatting about everything that a bunch of girls and a gay man chat about...boys!

My friend made a glorious observation about drinks and what a girl likes - Read on:

Martini with olives - This girl is not a pushover. She likes it straight up.

Martini extra dirty with olives - This girl isn't a pushover either. However, she likes things to be a little more diluted when you talk to her.

Margarita - This girl is saucy. She is a party and a half and always likes to stir things up.

Vodka club - Classic and classy. She can even add a twist sometimes (with Lemon/Lime)

Mohito - This girl likes things sweet and coated with sugar.

Champagne - Always keeping things cheerful and bubbly. Nothing gets this girl down.

Shot of Vodka - Don't fuck with this girl. She's a bit on edge and scary.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meat Heads Anonymous

Last evening, Meat Head and I headed to Nobu Next Door. He was over 20 minutes late in meeting me at my building, which almost made me cranky (not as cranky as I was that other day, but damn, I was hungry). We hopped in a cab and headed to the restaurant. Finally, after realizing that we were at Nobu, not Nobu Next Door (which was, in fact, next door) we finally got to sit down around 9 pm for dinner. About to chew my arm off, I decided to order the most delicious pineapple martini ever.
As we were talking, the subject of some of his really dumb Meat Head friends came up. As he is explaining about how stupid and idiotic they are I am almost peeing my pants and spitting my amazing pineapple drink in his face. How ironic that Meat Head would be bashing real Meat Heads at dinner. He must have thought that his stories were super funny because I just kept laughing and couldn't stay composed.

Note to self: Do not name a guy Meat Head unless he really is one!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Am I The Rebound Girl?

I am going out for dinner with Meat Head tonight. I was wondering today about his Ex-girlfriend situation and how he is now moving out of the apartment. The awful thought that popped into my head next was something that I hadn't really thought about before...Am I the rebound girl?

Do I care if I am the rebound girl? I like dating him and hanging out with him, but I can't really ask him about his previous girlfriends and if he has dated anyone since breaking up with his most current Ex. If I start to ask those questions then he might get the wrong idea about me before I even know what I want! I guess that it is still never a good idea to be the rebound girl. I will see if I can dig for some more info tonight during my date.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

We All Want What We Can't Have, Or Do We?

Today during Sunday brunch, my friends and I were talking about how there is always something that you want that you can't have. For example, girls with straight hair want curly hair or if they have blonde hair they want to be a brunette or if they are tall they want to be shorter, etc. This example also applies to dating and relationships.

Girls and guys who are in a serious relationship sometimes want to be single. The same goes for the single people, sometimes they want something a little more connected than just a few nights out for drinks and dinner. It is like the weather, when it is Summer and really humid, you cannot wait for the change of the seasons to feel that crisp cool air. However, the second that air hits you, it seems a little too chilly and you are longing for that warm sunshine again.

Will we ever be able to make our minds up? Will we forever be stuck in this limbo of wishing and wanting and waiting?

Personally, I like my light brown hair streaked with a few blondish highlights that can be either curly or straight. I also really like my freedom of not being in a relationship with anyone and having only my really close friends to keep up with. I do complain about the weather sometimes (really only when it rains - but who doesn't).

My main issue is that I get nervous when I actually start to like a guy that I am dating. What do I do? I like my freedom and my single life but do I really want more? Do I really want what I really didn't think I wanted in the first place?

Batman Returns

Last night I got a call from a number that I didn't have saved in my phone. It was around midnight so I answered it, knowing that my ex-boyfriend and his friends normally call around 4 am. I hear a bunch of loud car noises and sleepily say hello.

"Hey Girl! What's up??"

Me - "Who is this?"

"It's Batman baby. Did you miss me??"

Instantly I remember him and his amazing car that I am obviously hearing in the background. I haven't talked to Batman in over 2 months. Why was he calling me now? He later explained that he was at the bar I took him to on one of our dates and he was thinking about me. He had been in Greece and Asia for the past couple of months and wanted to hang out. Instantly I wondered if they had phones where he had been since I haven't heard from him in so long.

I decided not to ask him why he hadn't called, showed the bat sign, or at least sent a quick text message and continued to chat with him for a little longer. I declined his invitation to meet him out since I already made it to bed but I also did it out of spite too. He can't imagine that after 2 months of not talking I would just break my plans (of getting to bed early) and go to meet him. He will have to try a little harder than that!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bad Mood And Bitchy

Last night I was in the worst mood ever. I am not really sure how it came about or why. When I left work it was pouring down raining. Instead of going directly home I popped in H&M to look around. Shopping usually cheers me up :) While I was shopping, my friend asked me to come out and have a drink. I agreed even though I wasn't sure that I really wanted to be out. I got on the train and got off at the stop she told me to get off of.

When I got outside in the Lower East Side, I called to find out where the bar was. Since the LES is so confusing, she thought that I was really far away. Since I was in heels and it was raining, I decided to get a cab. It took me about 5 minutes to find a cab and I hopped in and told him where I was going. 10 minutes later, we had gone around the block and he had charged me $6! I couldn't believe it! By this point I was in an even worse mood.

I walk into the bar and not a minute later, they all want to leave and go to a different bar. I could have snapped. We decide to walk there, in the rain, even though it seems pretty far away. We begin walking in the wrong direction, change direction, walk some more, turn around again, and then finally hop in a cab. Whew, we finally made it to the 2nd bar. I sit down and order a much needed drink. I wish that I could remember the name of this bar because it was really cute and their Sangria was amazing and inexpensive. Another friend of mine starts calling me saying that she is out and has met 2 guys that would be great for me. I just got stuck in the rain and look like crap so I decide not to meet her.

I had one drink and was still in a crabby mood so I just decided to go home. After all of that, I get home and plop on my couch have a glass of wine and chill out. That is what I should have done right from the start. Sometimes you just need a night by yourself in this crazy city. You can also just "Blame it on the rain" - Millie Vanilli

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Halloween For Adults

Tonight was Fashion's Night Out, an event all over the city where retailers participated in offering deals and, most importantly, drinks while you shop. They were all selling the official T-shirt which benefits the 9/11 Memorial Fund. I had so much fun literally running to all of the different stores with my friends to see their collections and deals.

My friend said that it was like "Halloween for adults. It's like going Trick-or-Treating for champagne!" That was so true since we had champagne at almost every store that we went to. Unfortunately I didn't buy anything even though I wanted to. Even more importantly, I only ate 3 cookies all night. I think that Fashion's Night Out was an amazing idea and they should probably extend it to an entire week for next year, however, they should offer real food next time. My favorite thing that happened was that I got my nails done at Chanel! I could have gotten them painted in "Jade" the new color from the runway, but I chose a classic light pink instead. They are so cute!

The only thing that I ended up buying was dinner from McDonalds - if you can even call that a dinner. Just imagine - Me scarfing down my fried chicken (is that chicken?) sandwich and fries while staring at my cute nail polish and laughing hysterically at nothing because I am tipsy. Not eating all day is exhausting, especially after going to a fashion show and being super busy at work. One would think that going to the shows are fun and exciting. Well, yes, they are fun and exciting, however they are stressful too. I was more nervous about making it back to the office in time rather than relaxing and enjoying the show. There is no way that I could ever be a model. If I couldn't eat, that would be a problem!

Lets hope this champagne doesn't give me a headache in the morning and that the McDonalds doesn't give me a stomach ache. If it does, that is okay - the rest of NYC will probably have one too since everyone was out. At least I have some super cute nails to show for it :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mothers Are Always Right

Today, I received some good advice from my Mother. I usually get good advice from her so I am happy to share her wisdom with the world. She read my blog from yesterday about my "haircute" and meeting new guys. She said that I shouldn't give up on Meat Head just because he is living/fighting with his ex-girlfriend. "He could have lied to you, but he chose to tell you the truth and that is always a good thing."

My mother is so right (she always is)! Meat Head could have just ignored my questions about his apartment and not brought up his Ex. I wouldn't have ever known - which might have been better. Would you rather know about something like this or not at all? You might be better off being oblivious to the fact that he was living with his ex-girlfriend, especially if he is about to move out in a few weeks. On the other hand, it is good to know about someones past and how they deal with it. Personally, I think he seems like a nice guy because he let her stay in the apartment while he paid for it and now he is the one moving out!

I think that honesty is always the best policy. I honestly do not know what to think of Meat Head. He sounds like a nice guy. A nice guy that is still living with his ex-girlfriend...

Work Just Gets In The Way

Today I worked almost 12 hours. Not only was I exhausted when I got home, I was too tired to go out for drinks with my friend. I felt boring. Tomorrow is supposed to be another busy day...but a fun one! The morning is the beginning of New York Fashion week! I will be going to the BCBG fashion show to kickoff the week and then running back to work. After work (hopefully I will get out at a decent hour) I will be attending a few different parties and events for Fashion's Night Out. I am so excited.

I was chatting with my gay boyfriend this evening and making plans for the upcoming weekend and next week. We were trying to mesh our schedules when he said "Work just gets in the way sometimes." It really is a hassle when you are trying to coordinate plans and have fun in this city! Thankfully I do have some fun at work and I enjoy my job, or else it would be really hard.

Even though most of us just had Monday off for Labor Day, I feel as if it wasn't very much time off at all. When things get busy at work because the week is a day shorter then it negates the day off. Someone should make it a rule that you don't get farther behind just because you have a holiday or a vacation.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My New Haircute

I love getting my haircut. Tonight, I got the sexiest haircut ever. It is so cute - haircute! I have always heard the phrase "New hair, new boys." That is another reason that I love getting my hair cut. The phrase is usually true.

When you get your haircut and you feel great, you feel like a new person. When you feel like a new person, you attract new people. You are looking and feeling confident and guys are then attracted to you. A hair cut is always a good way to get out of a rut.

Speaking of new boys, Meat Head finally told me his story. There is always a catch. He is living with an ex-girlfriend! They apparently broke up a few months ago and are fighting over an apartment/living situation. It makes me wonder what else he hasn't told me. Honestly, he seems like a nice guy and let the Ex live in the apartment until she found a place. Since she sounds like an awful person, she has over extended her stay.

It is hard to know whether to trust him or not. He is really nice but a girl never knows when a guy is lying. Thankfully I have a new haircut and I will be meeting a new guy soon.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Country Boys

This weekend I visited my hometown and brought one of my friends from the city with me. While the girl I brought with me wasn't born in the city, she is definitely not used to such a small town. A few facts about my town...
- Everyone knows everyone, and their mother, father, siblings, and what they have been doing for the past 20 years,
- Everyone is related to someone somehow.
- It is a super small town!

My friend quickly got the gist of what we do when there is very little to do. We get together and drink. Thankfully, there was a wine festival this weekend (this is a new thing for the tiny town) and it was a blast. After drinking all day at the wine festival, we went out to drink some more.

During the day, she kept seeing boys that she thought were cute. In the evening, after all of the drinking, she saw even more boys that were cute and getting cuter by the minute. Then, she uttered one of the greatest sentences about country boys ever. "I like boys from the country because if they can throw a stack of wood over their shoulders, they can throw me over their shoulders too!" So true my friend, so true.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conversation Let Down

Have you ever talked to someone and then it made you feel dumber? Have you ever talked to someone that you thought you liked until they opened their mouth? Tonight, I had the worst conversations ever, with a couple of different people.

The first person was a girl that I have known for a little while. We aren't great friends and while she is a nice girl, we haven't hung out very much. Now I know why. She is dumb. I mean that in the nicest way possible - some people just cannot help themselves. She is the type of person, that after listening to her for less than 5 minutes, you feel a little bit dumber. A brain cell dies for every word she speaks. You feel bad for this person at first, and then you don't because she doesn't get it. She is oblivious to the fact that she isn't making any sense and annoying people because she is arguing about something that is totally wrong. She is still pretty fun though so you decide not to say anything.

Later, you notice a guy. You think he is cute. He is really cute. The more liquid courage you have, the cuter he gets and the more guts you have to go up and talk to him. You say your opening line. It is perfect. He smiles the cutest smile ever. Then, he speaks. All that comes out of his mouth is dumb. His squeaky voice doesn't match his cuteness. Actually, his cuteness is fading the farther along he gets in his sentence. By the end of his introduction he is about as interesting as a box of rocks.

Maybe him and the dumb girl should get together. That is why the world continues to produce stupid people.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Date Shoes

I am about to go an a date with Meat Head. I was having trouble picking out my outfit because of my shoes - no surprise there!

I am having issues with the shoes because an ex-boyfriend bought them for me. Can you wear a good pair of shoes from a bad boyfriend on a hopefully good date? Or will the good shoes from the bad boyfriend make the date bad?

I am wearing them because they need some new good energy. If the date goes bad, I'm never wearing them again! They are pretty cute too :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome To September

Today is September 1st. September is my favorite month of the entire year for a few of the below reasons:

- The weather is perfect for any type of outfit you can dream up. A mixture of Summer favorites and new Fall styles are perfect for right now.

- New York is gearing up for Fashion Week yet again.

- Today is my Dad's Birthday. Love him.

- My arms are looking pretty fabulous. You would think I was working out, but no! It is due to the very heavy September issue magazines that I have been trying to lift out of my mailbox and into my apartment. (PS - I saw The September Issue last night with Anna Wintour and Grace Coddington. Interesting documentary but nothing that knocked my socks off.)

- My 25th Birthday is coming up soon. Another year of celebration awaits!

- September has the best date weather. Summer is over and you don't get overly sweaty walking to the restaurant. You can still sit outside and it gives you a reason to cuddle if you get a chill.

I can't wait for this amazing month!