Saturday, September 26, 2009

Are Guys Made To Buy Drinks?

Last night, a few of my girlfriends and I went to a cute little bar in the Lower East Side called The Vig Bar. We finally got out of a conversation with the weirdest guy ever (he was listening to his iPod in the bar which had a DJ blasting music) and happened to spot a set of 3 cute guys - the perfect number to match our party. We were all talking and having a good time and drinking. The girls bought more drinks and then awhile later, the guys bought some drinks but didn't offer to buy us any. It is not that we always expect drinks, but it is a nice gesture (and if you are a guy bragging about how many properties you own in the city and across the US, you can certainly afford a Dirty Martini too). We continued on to another bar with the boys who, again, didn't offer to buy drinks. This bar was super crowded and it was very difficult to even find the bar much less order from it. When they bought theirs, they should have offered to get some for us.

By the end of the night, one of the guys made a comment to my friend about being a guy and being expected to buy her drink and how he doesn't do that. She hadn't said anything to him and had been buying her drinks all night without complaint. Should guys make the offer and buy the drink?

- Girls buy makeup, purses, cute outfits, lots of shoes, hair products, etc to make themselves look cute to go out. Do we have to buy our own drinks on top of all that?

- It is a nice gesture to buy a girl a drink or at least offer. If you are a guy and don't want to buy a drink for a girl, wait until she has a full one in her hand to get one for yourself. That way, you can offer but she will have to say no since she already has one - unless she is a lush and wants to down 2 at a time. In that case, run.

- Girls, don't wait around for a guy to buy your drink. Make sure that you can in fact buy your own. The point of getting a guy to buy your drink shouldn't be because you are strapped for cash. Very few guys want to see a desperate woman in need of a drink waiting at the bar empty handed. You will look more confident if you just waltz up to the bar by yourself and open your own wallet. Hey, who knows, the guy standing at the bar might be cuter than the one you left standing on the dance floor.

- If you are chatting with a guy for awhile and he doesn't offer to buy you a drink, he might not be into you. If a guy likes you, he wants to show off his macho man moves and offer to get you something from the bar. It is a nice gesture and he wants you to stick around and have that drink with him. You should drink your cocktail with the person who bought it for you.

Just a few things to keep in mind when you are searching the bar for someone to quench your thirst...

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