Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Tipping Point

When I am out at a party or at a bar there is this point in time that I would like to think of as "The Tipping Point." That point is when you have had a few drinks and are having a fun time but you begin to make decisions that you might consider to be bad decisions if you wouldn't have had that last drink.

One of the bad decisions that I make often is that I decide to drunk dial. I look through my phone and decide that the guy I haven't talked to in a few months, needs to hear from me. This guy doesn't need to hear from me. Don't drunk dial. One of my close friends decided to take action against drunk dialing. She changed the name of the guy that she normally calls when she is tipsy to "Don't Even Think About It" instead of his name. This way, there is a reminder every time she thinks about picking up that phone.

Another not so hot decision is kissing the boy that keeps getting cuter the more you sip your margarita. Don't drink until he is cute because at a point down tho road, you will be sober again and he won't be as cute. If you do decide to smooch with beer goggles, make sure not to take any pictures with him. That way you can always be in denial about him and think he really was that cute.

Don't be "That Girl" which isn't really a conscious decision but is way after the tipping point. If you do get super drunk, go home! "That Girl" usually decides not to go home and continues dancing like she is on the set of footloose, falling all over her friends, accidentally showing her floral undies to the rest of the bar when she tries to sit on the bar stool and falls off of it. If you are a friend to "That Girl" be sure to make the right decision and get her home immediately!

Always make sure to wear cute shoes when you are going out. However, if you get to the point where you look like you are walking on stilts and wobbling all over the place, it might be your cue to slow down on the drinks. Don't ruin your shoes because you are drinking. That might be the worst decision ever!

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