Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Work Just Gets In The Way

Today I worked almost 12 hours. Not only was I exhausted when I got home, I was too tired to go out for drinks with my friend. I felt boring. Tomorrow is supposed to be another busy day...but a fun one! The morning is the beginning of New York Fashion week! I will be going to the BCBG fashion show to kickoff the week and then running back to work. After work (hopefully I will get out at a decent hour) I will be attending a few different parties and events for Fashion's Night Out. I am so excited.

I was chatting with my gay boyfriend this evening and making plans for the upcoming weekend and next week. We were trying to mesh our schedules when he said "Work just gets in the way sometimes." It really is a hassle when you are trying to coordinate plans and have fun in this city! Thankfully I do have some fun at work and I enjoy my job, or else it would be really hard.

Even though most of us just had Monday off for Labor Day, I feel as if it wasn't very much time off at all. When things get busy at work because the week is a day shorter then it negates the day off. Someone should make it a rule that you don't get farther behind just because you have a holiday or a vacation.

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