Thursday, September 17, 2009

Birthday Fabulousness Part 2

Last night I celebrated my turning 'half of fifty' at the Minetta Tavern. I was so excited to go to this restaurant since it is almost impossible to get reservations (a few months wait for a table = impossible). The dinner was absolutely worth the wait and amazing! Can you say "mashed potatoes mixed with blue cheese" amazing? I probably gained 10 pounds at that one dinner.

At dinner, we were approached by a couple of guys that my friend knew. They sat down and bought us another bottle of wine. They seemed nice at first but then they were a little too tipsy for my tastes. All of the boys that read this blog, please know that girls don't generally like guys who are drunk, talking too close to your face, trying to put their arms around you when it is uninvited, and kissing you on the cheek when it is very uninvited. Us ladies don't really tend to like that too much.

Despite the really drunk guys, I had a wonderful time catching up with friends and toasting to my last 25 years and my upcoming ones. I can't wait to see how fabulous they are going to be!

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