Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conversation Let Down

Have you ever talked to someone and then it made you feel dumber? Have you ever talked to someone that you thought you liked until they opened their mouth? Tonight, I had the worst conversations ever, with a couple of different people.

The first person was a girl that I have known for a little while. We aren't great friends and while she is a nice girl, we haven't hung out very much. Now I know why. She is dumb. I mean that in the nicest way possible - some people just cannot help themselves. She is the type of person, that after listening to her for less than 5 minutes, you feel a little bit dumber. A brain cell dies for every word she speaks. You feel bad for this person at first, and then you don't because she doesn't get it. She is oblivious to the fact that she isn't making any sense and annoying people because she is arguing about something that is totally wrong. She is still pretty fun though so you decide not to say anything.

Later, you notice a guy. You think he is cute. He is really cute. The more liquid courage you have, the cuter he gets and the more guts you have to go up and talk to him. You say your opening line. It is perfect. He smiles the cutest smile ever. Then, he speaks. All that comes out of his mouth is dumb. His squeaky voice doesn't match his cuteness. Actually, his cuteness is fading the farther along he gets in his sentence. By the end of his introduction he is about as interesting as a box of rocks.

Maybe him and the dumb girl should get together. That is why the world continues to produce stupid people.

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