Sunday, September 13, 2009

We All Want What We Can't Have, Or Do We?

Today during Sunday brunch, my friends and I were talking about how there is always something that you want that you can't have. For example, girls with straight hair want curly hair or if they have blonde hair they want to be a brunette or if they are tall they want to be shorter, etc. This example also applies to dating and relationships.

Girls and guys who are in a serious relationship sometimes want to be single. The same goes for the single people, sometimes they want something a little more connected than just a few nights out for drinks and dinner. It is like the weather, when it is Summer and really humid, you cannot wait for the change of the seasons to feel that crisp cool air. However, the second that air hits you, it seems a little too chilly and you are longing for that warm sunshine again.

Will we ever be able to make our minds up? Will we forever be stuck in this limbo of wishing and wanting and waiting?

Personally, I like my light brown hair streaked with a few blondish highlights that can be either curly or straight. I also really like my freedom of not being in a relationship with anyone and having only my really close friends to keep up with. I do complain about the weather sometimes (really only when it rains - but who doesn't).

My main issue is that I get nervous when I actually start to like a guy that I am dating. What do I do? I like my freedom and my single life but do I really want more? Do I really want what I really didn't think I wanted in the first place?

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