Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Birthday Fabulousness Part 1

Last night my friends and I went out to The Maritime Hotel to celebrate my birthday. We sat outside at La Bottega since it was such nice weather. Despite the waiter moving at a snail's pace, we had a fabulous time chatting about everything that a bunch of girls and a gay man chat about...boys!

My friend made a glorious observation about drinks and what a girl likes - Read on:

Martini with olives - This girl is not a pushover. She likes it straight up.

Martini extra dirty with olives - This girl isn't a pushover either. However, she likes things to be a little more diluted when you talk to her.

Margarita - This girl is saucy. She is a party and a half and always likes to stir things up.

Vodka club - Classic and classy. She can even add a twist sometimes (with Lemon/Lime)

Mohito - This girl likes things sweet and coated with sugar.

Champagne - Always keeping things cheerful and bubbly. Nothing gets this girl down.

Shot of Vodka - Don't fuck with this girl. She's a bit on edge and scary.

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