Thursday, September 10, 2009

Halloween For Adults

Tonight was Fashion's Night Out, an event all over the city where retailers participated in offering deals and, most importantly, drinks while you shop. They were all selling the official T-shirt which benefits the 9/11 Memorial Fund. I had so much fun literally running to all of the different stores with my friends to see their collections and deals.

My friend said that it was like "Halloween for adults. It's like going Trick-or-Treating for champagne!" That was so true since we had champagne at almost every store that we went to. Unfortunately I didn't buy anything even though I wanted to. Even more importantly, I only ate 3 cookies all night. I think that Fashion's Night Out was an amazing idea and they should probably extend it to an entire week for next year, however, they should offer real food next time. My favorite thing that happened was that I got my nails done at Chanel! I could have gotten them painted in "Jade" the new color from the runway, but I chose a classic light pink instead. They are so cute!

The only thing that I ended up buying was dinner from McDonalds - if you can even call that a dinner. Just imagine - Me scarfing down my fried chicken (is that chicken?) sandwich and fries while staring at my cute nail polish and laughing hysterically at nothing because I am tipsy. Not eating all day is exhausting, especially after going to a fashion show and being super busy at work. One would think that going to the shows are fun and exciting. Well, yes, they are fun and exciting, however they are stressful too. I was more nervous about making it back to the office in time rather than relaxing and enjoying the show. There is no way that I could ever be a model. If I couldn't eat, that would be a problem!

Lets hope this champagne doesn't give me a headache in the morning and that the McDonalds doesn't give me a stomach ache. If it does, that is okay - the rest of NYC will probably have one too since everyone was out. At least I have some super cute nails to show for it :)

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