Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bad Mood And Bitchy

Last night I was in the worst mood ever. I am not really sure how it came about or why. When I left work it was pouring down raining. Instead of going directly home I popped in H&M to look around. Shopping usually cheers me up :) While I was shopping, my friend asked me to come out and have a drink. I agreed even though I wasn't sure that I really wanted to be out. I got on the train and got off at the stop she told me to get off of.

When I got outside in the Lower East Side, I called to find out where the bar was. Since the LES is so confusing, she thought that I was really far away. Since I was in heels and it was raining, I decided to get a cab. It took me about 5 minutes to find a cab and I hopped in and told him where I was going. 10 minutes later, we had gone around the block and he had charged me $6! I couldn't believe it! By this point I was in an even worse mood.

I walk into the bar and not a minute later, they all want to leave and go to a different bar. I could have snapped. We decide to walk there, in the rain, even though it seems pretty far away. We begin walking in the wrong direction, change direction, walk some more, turn around again, and then finally hop in a cab. Whew, we finally made it to the 2nd bar. I sit down and order a much needed drink. I wish that I could remember the name of this bar because it was really cute and their Sangria was amazing and inexpensive. Another friend of mine starts calling me saying that she is out and has met 2 guys that would be great for me. I just got stuck in the rain and look like crap so I decide not to meet her.

I had one drink and was still in a crabby mood so I just decided to go home. After all of that, I get home and plop on my couch have a glass of wine and chill out. That is what I should have done right from the start. Sometimes you just need a night by yourself in this crazy city. You can also just "Blame it on the rain" - Millie Vanilli

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