Monday, August 31, 2009

Committing to Jewelry

Yesterday, during a much needed brunch at Arte Pasta with my Gay Boyfriend (yes, he is back from Canada and isn't married yet) we were talking about boys and relationships. Were you surprised?

My Gay Boyfriend was talking about how happy and excited he was to have met someone so amazing, however, it is seeming to be a difficult transition. He was saying, just after we both watched a really cute guy walk down the street, that it is hard to really and truly commit to a person. You can really be in love, but if distance is involved in the relationship, it makes it that much trickier.

My Gay Boyfriend - "I just am not sure if I am ready to commit. I mean, I can commit. I have in the past. Things are different now and he is amazing, but it is just going to be difficult."

Me - "Look at your wrist. You have been wearing that bracelet every day for a year and a half. If you can commit to a bracelet for that long, you can commit to a boy!"

Long Pause...

Me - "I, on the other hand, have trouble committing to jewelry, so what does that say about me?"

As we burst into laughter, we see another really gorgeous guy walk by our brunch table. It might be impossible :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Fate Of The World

Just before I stepped out of my apartment today to go to brunch with my Gay Boyfriend at Arte Pasta, my Ex-Boyfriend texted me. I forgot that he had called me around 2:30 am and that I hadn't answered, thank goodness. His text message said that "The fate of the world" lies in me calling him back. So I called. I made sure to tell him that I was on my way out so he knew I didn't want to hang on the phone for very long. He asked me to go to a Killers concert. The fate of the world huh? I politely declined saying that the Killers weren't really my thing and that all of the other ladies knocking down his door for the tickets could gladly go.

Why on Earth, after over a year of being broken up, would he want me to go to a concert with him? Why would he think I would say yes? Ohh boys...If an ex doesn't talk to you for over a year, she most likely does not want to go to a concert with you. If you are going to ask her, be prepared to be let down.

Baby Daddy And The Lesbian

Saturday afternoon, I met up with Bar Boy at Jane, a cute little brunch spot on Houston Street. I hadn't seen or talked to Bar Boy in such a long time. He randomly called me out of the blue and asked to take me for lunch. Being hungry, I emphatically agreed. It was so nice catching up with him over flavored Champagne and Eggs Benedict that we decided to continue onto Felix.

Felix is known for their amazing Sunday afternoon Brazilian parties that get pretty wild, however, it seemed to be pretty calm on a Saturday afternoon. We both had the Mohitos (amazing!) and chatted for awhile. Bar Boy brought up the fact that he was ready to get serious and have kids. I almost fell off my bar stool! Why was he telling me this information? The last time we talked, I said to him that I was barely ready to commit to a boyfriend, much less think about little children running around. The terror must have read all over my face when he said "Yeah, I guess that look means that you don't want children at all." I couldn't believe I was having such a serious conversation with a person that I just wanted to catch up with.

Thankfully, one of the girls that were sitting next to me at the bar jumped in and introduced herself randomly. Normally, I might be annoyed at this but I was thanking God for her impeccable timing. After a couple of minutes it became apparent that she wasn't just being polite, she was hitting on me. At that point I questioned God's irony. What would I rather do, have a conversation about having children, or be hit on by a lesbian? I chose neither and excused myself to go to the restroom!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I Might Like A Boy

Last night, I went to the Thompson Hotel. My girlfriends and I just wanted to dance the night away and even though they were playing Michael Jackson, it just wasn't working. We ended up dancing anyway (even though there weren't many people dancing at all) and having a blast. Isn't it funny how a seemingly boring night can turn into so much fun?

Throughout the night, I was continually checking my phone. Normally, I do not check my phone that much since I barely have people calling me. However, I realized halfway through the night, that I was expecting a certain Meat Head to text message me. I hadn't asked him to or even mentioned to him about hanging out, however, I was waiting for him to contact me. Eventually, he did message me but then that brought up an entirely new concern for me...I might actually like a boy. I had been so elated when I saw that he had sent me a message!

It is barely possible that I have feelings for a person that I do not want to have feelings for. Example: Meat Head. He seems so nice, however, I don't want to be with anyone just to settle or be in a relationship. I am having so much fun on my own! I like him but why do I like him? I don't know. I must be really liking someone to be worrying about if they are going to ask me to hang out or not.

Thirsty Thursday

This Thursday night, I went out wearing my new Prada dress. I felt absolutely spectacular. My friend and I went to The Standard Hotel where we had a few drinks. My friend met a guy out that she had been in contact with on I was a little nervous about being the wing-woman, however things worked out for the best.

The match guy and his friend met us and bought a round of drinks (that was their first good move). Then, I actually really enjoyed talking to Match's friend. We talked about marketing strategies and how he could better improve his business if he looked deeper into his customer. I was happy to have at least a little contribution to the conversation.

After The Standard, we went to Pastis. I had the most amazing dinner there. I has the Croque Monseiur which is a piece of bread, baked with ham and cheese. Amazing and to die for! I hadn't eaten all day and didn't want to seem like a pig, however, at one point I didn't care. I ate everything on my plate. It is funny how nervous some girls (Including me) get about really eating on a date. Just do it! Guys like girls who eat at least a little. They know that if the girl likes to eat well, then they will be fed well too.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Girl's First Prada

Tonight, I had one of the most amazing nights ever. I got together with a few girlfriends (and a gay friend) where we met to receive some of the most fabulous clothes. One of my super fabulous friends continually updates her wardrobe. She graciously decided to pass off her "old" clothing to myself and another girlfriend. I strategically placed the word "old" in quotations because the items of clothing that she has given us are absolutely spectacular.

I received my first Prada dress (a few tops too) and I am so excited! Not only is the dress Prada and it fits like a glove but it is from a very amazing person. I will feel amazing wearing all of the clothes because of the friend that gave them to me. Hopefully she will know how much it means to me that she not only gave me the clothes off of her back but has helped me learn so much about the person that will be wearing the clothes - me.

I will be forever grateful.

PS) - Blogger, Prada is a word, spelled correctly, and should not come up on spell-check as incorrect. Please update your system and get with it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Corporate Outfits Part Deux

Today, I dressed in a casual, yet appropriate, outfit for work. The seersucker pants that I wore were a little trickier than I expected them to be. I was very busy today and when I get busy, I don't make time to go to the bathroom. I wait until very last minute. However, 4 button pants are not conducive to quickly going to the bathroom. When you have to take the time to place the paper toilet seat cover down and dance around why you try to unbutton all 4 teeny tiny buttons on your pants, things get tricky - especially when you haven't gone to the restroom in over 6 hours and have had over 2 cups of coffee. Not a fun time :) I made it though!

Here are my cute "boat shoes" that go with those tricky seersucker pants...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Corporate Outfits

This afternoon I got to meet Terry Lundgren, the CEO and President of Macy's, Inc. At first I was really nervous not only due to whom I was meeting but because of what I was wearing. We were told to dress professionally and I thought I did until I walked into the conference room full of people wearing all black outfits. I, however, was wearing a white shift and a floral cardigan (with the great shoes below). When I walked in and noticed that I stood out, I was questioning my choice of "business attire" until I decided that everyone else looked boring!

Never be afraid to stand out from the crowd! It gets you noticed :)

The Economy According to Men's Undies

Alan Greenspan, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, thinks that the status of the American economy can be tracked by the sale of men's underwear (a.k.a. Manties - men's panties). I thought that this was hilarious and absolutely ridiculous when I first started reading the article, however, it actually seems to make sense.

The theory is that when the economy is bad, the first thing that men stop buying is underwear since no one sees them. When things pick up, it is the first thing that they stock up on (since their other ones are probably old and gross by then). Read the full, hilarious, article on The Cut. Thankfully, it is a sign of the times that Manty sales are trending upward. Hopefully Mr. Greenspan is right about something and maybe this recession won't last as long as we all originally thought. Maybe the guys just got sick of doing their laundry and decided to go out and get new ones? It could also be because of David Beckham :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Guidos And Their Big Guns

This weekend, I went to a girls college reunion. My closest girlfriends from college all got together in Point Pleasant, New Jersey. Yes, I went to New Jersey (as I fondly refer to it: Dirty Jerz). Despite Hurricane Bill ruining our plans to sit on the beach all day and have drinks, we had a fabulous time. We just sat in the tiki bar having those drinks, instead of in the sand.

During our days and nights filled with fun adventures, I noticed quite the trend in the fabulous state of New Jersey - Guys with ridiculously big muscles. Do they spike the Jaeger bombs with steroids? In between our laughing at them and wondering how they really do get to be that disgustingly ripped, my girlfriend made a great point. She said that she really didn't understand how some women don't get that even though these guys have big muscles, that doesn't mean they are amazing people. While the opposite may also be true, she was valid in her thinking.

Why do we always think that because a guy is good looking or has huge "guns" that he will be a great catch. Yes, it is nice to have someone who takes pride in themselves, however, they may also have too much pride. We should look beyond the tanned and oiled biceps and try to see who that person really might be first. Does he use those well defined arms to open doors for old ladies or is he using them to slap a girl's ass that walks by? This was just a little something that I was thinking about as I sipped my Mai Tai's in the sun.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Flip Flop Fun

Tonight I had a date with Meat Head. We met up at Dylan Prime. We were supposed to show up together, however there was a miscommunication about the meeting place before dinner. He thought that he was picking me up at my apartment. I thought that he was picking me up at work. I even stayed later at work than normal so that he could pick me up in a cab on his way to the restaurant. Too bad for me that he was already downtown and thought that I was at my apartment.

I was so nervous to meet him because I had never been to the restaurant before and felt that I wasn't dressed up enough. I was wearing flat flip flops on a date for Heaven's sake! Wayyy out of my element.

Other than the little misunderstanding, I had a great time. The waiter wouldn't even take our order for over 45 minutes because we were talking so much and having great conversation that he didn't want to interrupt. Thankfully this just prolonged the date. He seems like a really great guy but I am not getting my hopes up - his nickname from me is Meat Head by the way. How serious could he be? I was also wearing flip flops - could it be true?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Night Out With The Ladies

Tonight a few of my girlfriends went out to celebrate a birthday. We went to a fun little place in the Meatpacking District called Paradou. We sat outside which was nice with the exception of the humidity...It felt about 100 degrees! The food was amazing and the atmosphere was fun. Despite the crazy lightning storm and excessive heat, we had a blast.

I just love going out with the girls. There is quite the conversation that takes place when it is a bunch of females sitting at one table. Here was part of a discussion that just made me laugh so hard tonight

Girl #1: Well when we were "doing the dirty" it was just so boring and bad that I honestly looked over at the clock to see what time it was.

Girl #2: Damn girl, with my boyfriend, the time it would take me to turn and look at the clock, it's already over!

Hilariousness. I love my ladies!

PS) I didn't take a picture of my shoes tonight because they pinched me and gave me a blister - so they aren't that fabulous in the long run!

Pinocchio's Nose Grew When He Lied

I just read this article from MSN that I thought was interesting. It is about how to know when someone is lying. These are the clues that they give off when a person is not telling the entire truth. I also think a really huge part of this is just trusting your gut feeling. If you think they are lying, and it sounds like they are lying, they might just be lying. These are some interesting tips though.

1. Covering the mouth while talking.
It's as if they're subconsciously repressing the untruths they're spouting. It may be as blatant as completely concealing the mouth or as subtle as a single finger placed in front of the lips.

2. Touching the nose. Scientists have found that lying can cause the tissue in the nose to swell, meaning that a quick stroke could be a sign of deceit (or that it's allergy season).

3. Rubbing an eye. When lying to someone, the instinct is to look away in shame. Since that's a dead giveaway, many people content themselves with a fast wipe of the peepers.

4. Touching an ear. Just as you're supposed to see no evil, you should hear no evil as well. These nervous gestures can range from a small rub of the back of the ear to an outright yank of the ear lobe.

5. Going for the neck. Research has found lying can cause a tingling in the tissues of the neck, leading to scratching or pulling the collar. It signals that the speaker is feeling uncertainty, so be concerned if you see it right after your sweetie announces, "Of course this Prada dress was on the sales rack at Marshalls."

6. Shaking the head no while saying yes. If he says, "Yep, I'm getting home late because I have a big assignment to finish" while nodding his head, he's working late. If he sends the mixed message of saying yes while shaking his head no, look for him at the Spearmint Rhino (read: strip club).

Monday, August 17, 2009

Boy Jingle

Today, my friend and her coworkers came up with the most amazing song that I have ever heard/read....Enjoy. (Sung to the tune of the awful Toys-R-Us jingle)

"I don't wanna grow up I'm an NYC kid

There's a million boys in Manhattan that I can play with

From Models to Waiters and Bartenders to Players

It's the biggest Boy Store there is.

I don't wanna grow up cause maybe if I did

I couldn't be an NYC kid!"

I swear that we have better things to do with our days than make up songs about boys.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Great Date Shoes

Since I named my blog "I Can't Cook But My Shoes Are Fabulous" and I can't give recipe tips, I figured that I would show you some of my fabulous shoes :) They are pretty fun. The picture below is of a pair that I wore last night on my date with Meat Head. I love them because they are fun and summery and are a fantastic color.

The date went well and the guy isn't really that much of a meat head but it sounds funny, he has big muscles, and is from New Jersey - I couldn't resist. I could have called him Guido but he isn't one, so I won't call him that. Meat Head and I met up at a bar downtown called Ulysses. We just had a few drinks and chatted about everything. He seems like a really fun guy.

Note to Ulysses, the bar, your music is entirely too loud. You can barely think much less have a conversation. My throat hurts from trying to yell across the table. The music progressively got louder as the night went on which was even more ridiculous because it was so loud in the first place.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kind-Of-Not-So-Blind Date

The other night, I met a guy that I don't remember. I faintly recall that he has blonde hair and big muscles. He might have "short man syndrome" and be too short with big guns, but I am not sure. He may or may not have gone to Yale and may or may not have asked me to be in a reality show according to a text message that I sent out that night to my friend about the boy that I met.

Alcohol is dangerous. I am supposed to meet him tonight for drinks and I have no idea who I am meeting. I guess that this can be treated like a blind date. Hopefully he doesn't expect me to remember all about him. It will be funny trying to get him to do most of the talking at first so I can catch back up. I will be drinking a soda tonight so that I can retain the information. Of course, if he is a weirdo, I might have to add a little bit of rum into that soda!

Wish me luck...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Insurance Wonders

I have been ripped off! I am sure that a lot of others have been as well but just don't know it yet. This month, I received a renewal notice for my renter's insurance. In previous years, I had the insurance through AIG (who now would like to call themselves 21st Century Insurance). The quote seemed so high at $400 per year that I decided to call around and do a little investigating. I called State Farm and they got me a quote for better coverage that was only $180! That really makes you wonder how AIG was failing and needed a bailout if their quotes were that much more expensive.

I know that I sound like the little Gecko in the Geico commercials but it is so exciting when you save on something so silly. I don't mind putting out $$ for shoes, but for the insurance on the shoes - that is a little tougher!

Isn't he the cutest?? :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Full Moon Or Feng Shui?

I found myself Googling the Lunar Calendar today after I received a few text messages and phone calls from a couple of guys that I haven't heard from in awhile. It seems that every few months or so a few random guys that have been absent just appear out of thin air. They call, text, and comment on my Facebook page. The thing that strikes me is odd besides the fact that it has been a couple of months since speaking, but it is a few different guys all at once. It is like they all get together and decide that it is time to ask me how I am doing.

While it is not a full moon this week (if you must know it is a Waning Gibbous at 68% full) a few meteor showers are expected. I guess that it has something to do with the universe. It could have also been the re-positioning of my bedroom this weekend. Feng Shui was done in my room to make things "flow" better. God only knows what that means or does but if it helps me get a few more dates I am not against it! Here is to the universe getting me some dinners and drinks :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Backing Up

I have been talking with Mr. Ketchup since the 4th of July. As I have stated before, I do not want to have a serious boyfriend at the moment. However, it is amazing what these not so serious boyfriend types get us to do. This evening, I hate to even admit this, I watched an hour of The History Channel in order to possibly catch a glimpse of Mr. Ketchup during his day job as an actor. Unfortunately he wasn't in this specific episode. Fortunately I wasn't completely bored out of my mind since watching a show about the Greek god Hercules isn't uninteresting (especially because he was wearing a loincloth and really cool gladiator sandals). The things that us ladies do for a pretty face amazes me at times.

Actually, along those lines of not having a serious boyfriend to come home to after work, what do you do when a lot of your friends decide that they might just want that type of person in their lives? It just so happens that I got the most disturbing text from my future gay husband. He has been in Canada for a few days and had gone up there to visit an old friend of his. My future gay husband sent me a text message saying that he was never coming back and he was getting married!

First of all, this could be true and crazy things like this happen to him all of the time. Secondly, what am I going to do if I lose my future gay husband?!?! Yes, I would take great vacations to Canada but I will miss my New York partner in crime. Next, who would I get to replace him? He is irreplaceable and the best back-up man a girl could ask for. He was always my backup since (not anymore) he couldn't technically get married to a man (thankfully now he can if that is his choice) and we could cheat on each other and it wouldn't matter. I don't think I will be able to find a person as liberal as that willing to marry me if I reach over the age of 40 and am not hitched.

Maybe Mr. Ketchup is seeming a little more interesting to me after tonight's discoveries?? Will I be doomed to watch the history channel again next week? Please support Mr. Ketchup by watching his show - The Clash of the Gods on the History Channel. I might have to have him as my new backup man even though he is not gay and I would like my backup guy to be successful :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Fabulous New York Weekend

I had a fabulous weekend with my mother and aunt who came to visit me in the city. On Friday night we did something very New York - went to a Drag-Queen Bar called Lips! Thankfully, even though I dragged them there, we had fun laughing with the performers of the show.

Saturday was filled with even more New York events such as SHOPPING!!! We shopped the entire day and got so much stuff. I don't care what kind of mood I am in, shopping always makes me happy, especially when I get some really amazing shoes :)

The Park is the restaurant that we went to on Saturday night. I love this place for the atmosphere, however, our food wasn't that great. It took such a long time for it to get to the table and then it was cold. I had been there before and everything was perfect so hopefully this was the only time. A dinner with all women is always filled with quite a lot of chatter about everything and this dinner was no different.

We ended up talking about, of all things, dinner times. It was about 10:30 by the time we actually got our dinner and my girlfriend and I weren't that phased by it. However, my mom and aunt were starved and not used to eating so late. We discussed how 9:00 is the perfect time to meet a date for a dinner. That way, if you have a good date and the dinner goes well you can go right into dancing and drinks. If the dinner does not go well you can always begin acting. Start by yawning and pretending to zone out, if you haven't done so already. After a yawn or two say "I'm so sorry but it is really getting late and I have an early morning." It most likely isn't a lie if you are bored out of your mind!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Parking For The High Heel Impaired

Today, I read an article in one of my favorite blogs, The Cut, about South Korea creating specific parking spaces for women who wear high heels. The parking spaces are being painted pink. Hilarious! Are they for real? Honestly? I think that they should create parking spaces for the elderly before they create ones for women in high heels (or men). They have handicapped spaces, however, not all elderly are handicapped. Also, pregnant women parking spaces, where are they?

Plus, if I am wearing high heels, I know that I want to be wearing them like a proud high heel owner and making sure they get their mileage. If I can only walk a foot into the store, they haven't shown how gorgeous they are. Also, if your shoes are too high and too difficult to walk in that you look like a clumsy elephant on stilts, you probably shouldn't be wearing heels in the first place.

Just a few silly things to think about...

Pink parking spaces for high heel wearers - What were they thinking? They should have at least outlined the spaces in Swarovski crystals!

Monday, August 3, 2009

First Impressions

I have this great Andy Warhol calendar that has a new drawing of a shoe (were you surprised?) and a saying each month. Normally the sayings are inspirational. This month the saying is...

"It's not what you are that counts, it's what they think you are."

While, I don't think that it is very inspirational, it does make you think a little. A lot of people judge you before they know who you really are. They also judge you not really understanding what type of person that you might be. We make a judgement about a person the instant that we see them based on their outward appearance without even saying "hello" or giving them a friendly smile. I think that Andy has a very valid point for the month of April. I personally am going to not try not to judge so much. I am also going to wear really amazing shoes so that people think I am "the girl who wears really great shoes." However, I hope that isn't untrue in the first place :)

I usually try to make a good first impression through clothing, mannerisms, and just generally being nice. Isn't it always the days that you are feeling like crap, in a bad mood, and your outfit looks like you picked it off of your bedroom floor from a month ago that it seems you meet a person that you really would have liked to impress? Fate is funny like that sometimes. So remember, when you accidentally roll out of bed 5 minutes before you are supposed to be at work because your alarm was set for PM and not AM, you are most likely going to see someone that you didn't want to see that day. Just a friendly warning...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Not Really About A Basketball Player

While I was home in Pennsylvania, I read this amazing book called The Shack. The book reads like a story but is a look into faith and God that I haven't seen before. It honestly made me think outside of the box. When I first heard someone mention the book I wondered why they would think that I would want to read about a really tall basketball player (Shaq - yes, I know I'm that dense sometimes)! Surprisingly, this book has dramatically changed how I look at things now.

Read it and find out or just visit the website by clicking on the link I have posted above.