Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Girl's First Prada

Tonight, I had one of the most amazing nights ever. I got together with a few girlfriends (and a gay friend) where we met to receive some of the most fabulous clothes. One of my super fabulous friends continually updates her wardrobe. She graciously decided to pass off her "old" clothing to myself and another girlfriend. I strategically placed the word "old" in quotations because the items of clothing that she has given us are absolutely spectacular.

I received my first Prada dress (a few tops too) and I am so excited! Not only is the dress Prada and it fits like a glove but it is from a very amazing person. I will feel amazing wearing all of the clothes because of the friend that gave them to me. Hopefully she will know how much it means to me that she not only gave me the clothes off of her back but has helped me learn so much about the person that will be wearing the clothes - me.

I will be forever grateful.

PS) - Blogger, Prada is a word, spelled correctly, and should not come up on spell-check as incorrect. Please update your system and get with it.

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