Monday, August 3, 2009

First Impressions

I have this great Andy Warhol calendar that has a new drawing of a shoe (were you surprised?) and a saying each month. Normally the sayings are inspirational. This month the saying is...

"It's not what you are that counts, it's what they think you are."

While, I don't think that it is very inspirational, it does make you think a little. A lot of people judge you before they know who you really are. They also judge you not really understanding what type of person that you might be. We make a judgement about a person the instant that we see them based on their outward appearance without even saying "hello" or giving them a friendly smile. I think that Andy has a very valid point for the month of April. I personally am going to not try not to judge so much. I am also going to wear really amazing shoes so that people think I am "the girl who wears really great shoes." However, I hope that isn't untrue in the first place :)

I usually try to make a good first impression through clothing, mannerisms, and just generally being nice. Isn't it always the days that you are feeling like crap, in a bad mood, and your outfit looks like you picked it off of your bedroom floor from a month ago that it seems you meet a person that you really would have liked to impress? Fate is funny like that sometimes. So remember, when you accidentally roll out of bed 5 minutes before you are supposed to be at work because your alarm was set for PM and not AM, you are most likely going to see someone that you didn't want to see that day. Just a friendly warning...

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