Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Elevator Amazingness

Nothing makes a hard day instantly better like seeing a hot guy in the elevator. I stepped into the elevator, looked up, and saw the cutest little puppy ever. I smiled and then his owner said "Hi, how are you?" in the way that someone says when they actually know you. When I looked up at him, I noticed that it was the super cute bartender from the Thompson Hotel that I met exactly a month ago. He was standing there holding a dachshund puppy that I instantly said was sooo cute. I told him that my mom has 3 of them and absolutely loves them. He then said that he just got the dog as a gift for his mother. OMG could he get any cuter and sweeter?

Bartender Boy, which he shall now be named, has been haunting my thoughts ever since I met him. He is so gorgeous and nice. When I met him, he was obviously bartending and ended up buying me my drinks. Now he goes and buys a dog for his mother? I mean, honestly, so sweet. I decided that I had to call my mother right away and tell her about my elevator ride. She is so excited about the dog and the guy but then she asks a very valid question..."What if he is gay?" This instantly bursts my bubble as I wonder if he plays for the other team or not. It has happened to me one too many times that I think gay men are straight and vice versa. The "What if he is gay" question brings up others. What if he actually bought the dog for his girlfriend and then that makes him a total jerk face and a scum bag? What if he just bought the dog for himself and made up the story to seem cuter? Well I have to say that the story worked if it was a story.

Since there were so many other girls in the elevator I didn't really get to talk to him myself. I would have liked to ask him to hang out sometime but didn't get the chance. As we parted ways in the hallway, he said "It was nice to see you." I responded with "It was so nice to see you too." I'm just a few sentences closer to asking him to grab a drink with me ;)

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