Thursday, November 12, 2009

Group DInners

Tonight I went to a friend's birthday dinner at Dos Caminos on Park Ave. I had a lot of fun just hanging out and drinking and eating. However, why is it always tricky when the bill comes for a group dinner. Even though it was just a few splitting the bill it is always feels like an uncomfortable subject on who gives what amount.

Obviously the B-Day Girl doesn't pay which goes without saying. I am always happy to show the celebrator a great time. The problem comes when other people order above and beyond what everyone else at the table is ordering. They order the steak and you had ordered a measly salad to keep your cost down. They had the bottled water and tap was fine for you. They ordered the bottle of wine when you could have been happy with just a glass or two. That person always seems like the one to say "Ohh lets just split the bill in half, its easier that way." Since you don't want to be a cheap ass, you split the bill and move on. However, by doing that, you overpay by $20 and you go home still hungry.

What are you supposed to do in this situation? Do you speak up and say "I only had the mixed greens and one drink in comparison to your veal and 5 drinks"? Do you not say anything at all and just pay an equal part of the bill? Do you lie and say "I only have this much cash" and hope that someone else at the table notices that you don't really owe as much as everyone else? Do you just note that for next time you should order the steak and multiple glasses of wine and leave full and know that everyone else picked up part of your tab?

If I was a millionaire I wouldn't have to worry about all of this. If I was a millionaire I would be that type of rich person that just always paid for the entire tab for everyone. A girl can dream can't she :)

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