Sunday, November 1, 2009

Doctor's Waiting Rooms

The other day I went to the Doctor. I was sitting in the waiting room filling out the massive amounts of annoying paperwork watching the people come in and out of the office when I came across the funniest question. It was on the 5th page of a different document that asked almost all of the same questions as the others. Age? Birthday? Sex? Sign?..Sign?! What? Was I filling out information for an online dating website or a doctor?

When I re-looked at the paper that I was filling out, I noticed that it was to be submitted to insurance. Do insurance companies really look to find out our signs? Do Virgos get sick more often than Gemini? Are Cancers more prone to disease than Scorpios? What is that all about? Why do they also test our patience by making us sit there and fill out these forms. I know that it is called a "waiting room" but I made an appointment for a reason!

After answering what felt to be about 500 questions just asked repeatedly in all different ways, I looked around for a magazine. I saw the sad selection laying on a coffee table and I walked over to check them out. They were from March of 2009 or earlier and nothing was appealing. I instantly dropped the 3 month old Travel and Leisure that I was holding when the thought of germs ran through my head. Not only was the magazine old, but it had been held by numerous people that were visiting the doctor for any number of reasons. I instantly vowed to never touch a magazine that was in a doctor's office again.

A long time ago, I had seen a dentist's office that had good magazines but they were covered by a plastic binding. I remember thinking that it was strange at the time, and now that I am thinking of it again it seems even weirder. Yes, you can wipe off the plastic cover, but what about the 200 pages inside that aren't covered? The plastic cover also shows more fingerprints and makes you not want to read the magazine in the first place. From now on, I will be bringing my own magazines to doctor's offices with me. At least I know that I won't get any sicker by handling my own germs while they make me wait the unnecessary 15 minutes after my paperwork is complete.

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