Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Lulu Smack Down

Today, after my friend asked how I really felt about Meat Head, I really thought hard about it. Unfortunately, I still couldn't really decide how I felt so I decided to list a few things that happened on my date last night that I did know about him. After reading my points, she decided that I was performing what she called as "The Lulu Smack Down" where I tear apart a boy so that I try not to like him. Here are my notes from my date last night...

1) I saw that he had flowers in his apartment. I felt insanely jealous at that moment when I assumed that some chick had sent them to him when he was sick. After I made a complete ass out of him for having pink flowers (Yes, I'm a jackass) he explained to me that his mother got them for him because he was sick. She also got him bright pink flowers because he needed some color in his life since his kitchen is pure white. Yep - I'm a jerk.

2) He told me that he didn't end up taking some test that he was supposed to take for work. Instantly he sounded unmotivated and I am definitely not into that. Motivation is the key for me!

3) Meat Head was really sad and boring after the Yankee's lost the game last night to the Phillies. He told me that he gets upset when his teams don't win. I don't think I can really handle a guy who gets upset over baseball or football. Is that every guy or am I doomed for life?! I knew that men and women were different but damn!

Do these things really bother me about him or am I just picking him apart because I am trying not to like him? Let's hope "The Lulu Smack Down" doesn't really smack down guys and that it just sifts through the good and bad guys.

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