Friday, November 20, 2009

Bracelets And Boyfriends

Last night, I went to Ulysses downtown with a friend. When we got there the place was packed, and packed with a ton of cute guys. We sat down at the bar and had a beer. Not too long after we sat down, a guy came over and sat right next to us. He was obviously plastered and he thankfully made sure to order a glass of water with the shots that be bought for us.

He was saying that he thought I was really cute and blah, blah, blah, drunken slurs but that he knew I had a boyfriend. I asked him why he thought that I had a boyfriend because I don't have one. He said "Well you obviously have a boyfriend because you have a lot of bracelets on!" and pointed to my wrist where I was wearing 6 silver bracelets of all different sizes and shapes. I laughed at him and thought that it was the silliest reasoning. It wasn't like I was wearing one of those heart necklaces that boyfriends usually get for girlfriends. I explained to him that 3 of them were from my mother, 2 from my best friend, and one from my grandmother...obviously they are not boyfriends. I thought that it was the funniest thing for him to think I had a significant other based on my jewelry.

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