Saturday, November 28, 2009

Barbie Is A Bitch

I hope that everyone had a great holiday. My holiday started with Thanksgiving Eve at the local bars in my hometown. It was not without drama and drunkenness which always makes for a fun night. Thanksgiving day was spent stuffing my face with the best food ever. I think I gained 10 lbs. in under an hour.

Black Friday follows a day of heavy eating. Thankfully we walked around the mall and shops a lot, however, I don't think that it helped me to lose any of the turkey weight from the previous day.

While in the toy section yesterday, I noticed an old friend whom I haven't seen in awhile - Barbie. I have to say that she looks really good. Her lashes are longer, her hair is blonder, and her earrings are blingier. She now has the coolest pink bathtub, vanity, and couch and hasn't aged a day. What a bitch. I bet she didn't even gain a pound from eating her perfect plastic turkey dinner.

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