Monday, November 2, 2009

Teenagers These Days

This evening I was on the subway coming home from work. When I got onto the train car, there was a pack of teenagers yelling and screaming and being obnoxious. After I couldn't sufficiently tune them out to my liking, I listened to their conversation. They were playing their Ipods so everyone could hear, screeching at one another, yelling, and pulling each others hair. Honestly, since when have teenagers been so annoying?

Then I thought, Wait... does this mean that I am officially old? I don't "get" or "fit in" with the young crowd anymore. Everyone else on the train seemed to be annoyed with them too, but they were also all over the age of 30. What do I do? I can't remotely try to fit in with these kids, they are so loud and don't make any sense. Honestly, I rationalized to myself that I am not old because I still enjoyed the song that they were blasting - even though it shouldn't have been heard by the rest of the train passengers. If I still like the song, I still "got it"!

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