Sunday, October 4, 2009

What I Learn From Shopping

Shopping isn't just a silly thing to do when one wants to pass the time. It can actually teach you a lot of life lessons.

Sharing - When you see someone who is looking for that exact dress you have been carrying around for over 10 minutes just because you like it and not because you are going to buy it, you kindly pass it off to her. This is sharing.

Math - Yes, I know that math is not a life lesson, but it is something to learn. 20% off, 40% off, 2 for $20 versus $15 each. You quickly learn math and how to calculate the value of buying in multiples.

Patience - You have been waiting in line for over 15 minutes to get a fitting room. Finally you get to try on all of your clothes and make it to the register. There is another line to check out. Patience is learned in these lines. Since the clothes that you are holding are worth it, you will wait patiently in line and you quickly learn that huffing and puffing doesn't make the line go faster. Honestly, it makes the lady behind the counter go slower just to make you angrier.

Decision Making - There is always that time when you have to choose between the really fun party dress and the black cardigan that you came into the store to find. You needed the cardigan but are very reluctant to let go of the sparkly number you spotted on the rack when you walked in. Not only do you learn to decide, you find out if you are a practical person or if you are a little more adventurous than you thought. Who needs work clothes anyway?

Focus - Checking each tag for the little S, M, or L is a lesson in focus. You need to be zeroing in to find that little letter printed in each garment while also flipping through the rack at an even pace so you can shop the rest of the store in the 15 minutes that you have to shop on your lunch break. If you are too slow, you only see a little bit of the store, if you are too fast you never find your size.

Calmness - When the doors to the sample sale are finally opened after waiting in line for 1/2 an hour, all you want to do is run in screaming and grabbing things off of the shelves. However, calmness is key in this situation since all of those girls that run in screaming don't have the focus and calmness to walk past the crowd to the back where all of the fun treasures are hidden.

Happiness - One of life's biggest rewards is being truly happy. The thrill of purchasing a truly amazing high heel or cocktail ring always makes me happy :)

Happy Learning and Shopping!

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