Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mansion For Sale

The other day, I was walking around the West Village. All of the streets around that area seem quaint and cute, especially because they are some of the few streets that actually have trees in this city. As I was passing by this gorgeous set of townhouses, I saw a sign that read "Mansion For Sale." I snapped a picture of the sign and made sure to look it up when I got home. I wasn't looking it up because I am in the market for a mansion (we can all dream right?) but just because I was curious as to how much a mansion in NYC costs.

$45,000,000.00 to be exactly. That one was on the high side. Some of the others listed on the website started to sound more reasonable at $19,500,00.00 - that is less than half of the price! It really starts to sound like a bargain huh? I wish I were kidding about the number of zeroes in that number. Some of these places had over 7 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms. Honestly, why would anyone need that many bathrooms? I guess if you were going to have a raging party in your new multi-million dollar townhouse you would have over 10 friends. Even if you had 100 friends there, would it be possible to really make it necessary to have 10 bathrooms. It never killed someone to wait in line for a minute or two did it?

One day I will have a ridiculously priced townhouse with a multitude of bathrooms that I will never use. When I have that, then I will let you know if I find uses for all of them. As of right now, I do not know anyone with more than 2 or 3 bathrooms that I could ask. Honestly, most of my friends barely have a quarter of a bathroom!

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