Thursday, October 1, 2009

Moving Madness

I am typing this blog covered in paint. Yes, I tried to wash it off of my nails, hands, face, and out of my hair before I began typing, however it is proving to be quite impossible. I might have paint on myself for the next week. Tonight, I helped my friends re-paint their apartment white since they moved out of it. For all of you New Yorkers out there - Do Not Paint Your Apartment any thing other than white. It is so not worth it. It was fun to hang out with my friends and drink but the painting part was unnecessary.

When we finally made it to their new apartment we arrived to a scene that could have been an episode of Friends (of course - do you expect anything else from me at this point?). Their couch was not only stuck in their doorway but it was jammed between their doorway, their new neighbor's doorway, and the hallway. Very stuck. I liked the idea of calling firemen to saw apart the couch, however, the neighbor (of only a couple of hours) had a "saw" (read: steak knife) and decided to use that to break the couch free. To my disappointment and everyone else's relief, we didn't have to call firemen and the steak knife actually worked. I will have to find out what brand of knife that is. If it can cut through a couch, it can cut through anything that I might ever try to cook. Am I kidding myself? Me try to cook? Must be the paint fumes getting to my head - I'm not going to cook anything.

I have to give a big shout out to my city girls in this blog. Only you girls can make painting eggshell walls a fun task and make a couch stuck in the doorway hilarious. Trying to walk up and down stairs carrying a thousand bags and playing with the trash shoot wouldn't be nearly as interesting if it were done with anyone else. Thanks for giving me material to write about :)

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