Thursday, October 8, 2009


As I am reading my posting from last night, I see that it does not flow as nicely as it should. There are also a few spelling mistakes. I am issuing an apology for Typing While Tipsy as this should not be allowed in writing. It does make for a funny day, however, when your friends email you to tell you that they could judge the amount of martini's I had from the number of misspellings. I can't promise that it will not happen again - and for that I am issuing another apology. On the other hand, if I never got tipsy, I would have half as many good stories.

Tonight my posting is about change. Is change good or is change bad? I guess that it depends on the perspective from which you are viewing the change. When things are going your way and changing positively for you, change is good. When things change and you don't like what has happened then you see the change as negative. That is an obvious statement that honestly doesn't need to be said, however, what about the change that is neither good nor bad? For example, the weather. Are people in Florida really happier because the weather is nice and sunny all year round? Personally, I like the weather change so that I can rotate my shoes in and out with the seasons.

Change also affects friendships and relationships. People change. This is another obvious statement. Do friendships and relationships always end when one person changes and the other does not? Do people have to grow at exactly the same rate in order to remain close? Why doesn't one person changing make the other person happy for them? It always seems as if that person feels left in the dust. If that friend isn't happy for their friend who has changed for the better, are they really a friend at all? If you think that you have changed in a positive way but someone else sees it negatively, have you really changed for the better?

I know this is pretty deep for a blog but it is something that was on my mind all day long. If things in life stay stagnant and the same, isn't that just boring? Personally, if I do not change from this moment until the time that I am 30 (which I might never admit to being that age) then I would think that I haven't learned anything in that time period. I want to keep on learning and growing until the day I am 45 (definitely never admitting that I am older than that). Hopefully there are a few things that will not change about me though. I always want to be a fun person who is great to be around and I always want to be a great friend. I always want to support my friends in whatever they do and through whatever changes they may encounter. I also want to be that ridiculous girl who Types While Tipsy and tells her funny stories to the world :)

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