Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Gay Night Out

Last night, I went to a party at Vlada Lounge, which happens to be a gay bar. I didn't realize this until I walked in and saw a whole bunch of really hot guys. I muttered under my breath to myself "This never happens" and then slowly realized it really doesn't happen - boys were kissing other boys. I was a little upset that I wouldn't have the opportunity to meet any new boys, but that didn't matter since I was there with a bunch of friends already anyway. The night was fabulous. We were celebrating a friend's arrival from Canada and there was a ton of drinks, laughing, dancing, and fun.

I saw a friend there that I haven't seen in such a long time. She was telling me how her and her boyfriend of 4 years just broke up. She said that they broke up because she felt that she was too young and needed to get out there and make sure that she wasn't jumping too deep before she was ready. I agreed with her decision and told her that I loved dating life here in the city. It is fun and fabulous. She asked me to hook her up with anyone who would like to go on a date if I run into anyone. She also cautioned me that she liked "older men." I asked her how old was she thinking and her quick response almost made me fall off my chair. She said "25 would be good." I began laughing hysterically because not only did that make me feel instantly old but it was also one of those ironic things where I was thinking that she was super mature and could date a guy that was quite a few years older.

Later on, when the party moved to a gay nightclub, I was dancing with my friend. I was one of the few girls in this club full of men who weren't interested in me and I was having a blast. As I was thinking to myself that I was having the best time dancing (I have been out of commission all week with being sick) and it doesn't even matter what I look like or if I have bad moves since no one in this club cares to date me. My friend that I was dancing with my other friends and I have always wondered if he was gay or straight. No one wants to ask because that is rude, but at that point in the night I was dancing and thinking that he was gay - until about 20 minutes later when he grabbed my face and started making out with me. I was so shocked. That kiss was so unexpected. You get a funny feeling when you just kissed a guy that you thought was gay but now isn't. It is a little startling and I didn't really know what to think about it. I still don't really know what to think about it except for the fact that he wasn't a really good kisser. So now what am I going to do about my gay friend who isn't really gay and just kissed me, badly. Dilemmas, dilemmas....

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