Monday, October 19, 2009

Random Crowds

I mentioned in my last posting that we went to the Gansevoort Hotel on Saturday night. I also mentioned that the crowd was a little strange and I didn't have the usual amount of fun that I normally do there.

The first set of strange people were a pack of old ladies. It is not because they were old that they were weird, it was that they were dancing with super young guys from Jersey (I'm guessing they were from Jersey because they had spiked hair. They could have also been from Staten Island. Sorry if I get that one a little mixed up). These older women were getting their groove on. While there is nothing wrong with that, and my friend said it the best - "I hope I'm moving and grooving like that when I am that age", it was just a little odd to see them dancing so provocatively with such young guys.

The next "weirdo" at the hotel was a kid who said that he was in college for Pharmacy. You always hear about those people that are super book smart but they don't have any social skills - this was that guy. He was talking to my friend at first and I noticed that she gave me a look of despair. I tried to re-loop her into our conversation. The boy awkwardly stood in our circle and didn't get the hint and leave. Then, he decided to talk to me. He was a close talker. He was all up in my personal space and every time I tried to back up a little, he took a step forward. Then he continued to talk and said "So, I see you have a lot of girlfriends here...what is every one's relationship status?" I instantaneously let out a laugh, he was lucky I hadn't just taken a sip of my drink or else I probably would have spit it in his face. I nicely said that he shouldn't ask a girl that. If we are interested, we will let him know. If we aren't interested we will let him know that too.

After he finally left my circle of friends and I, we were talking about what he had asked. He specifically used the phrase "relationship status" which I thought was a funny way of asking. Not until one of my girlfriends brought it up did I realize that the phrase comes from Facebook! Not only does this guy have very little personality but his only social skills and vocabulary come from Internet social networking websites. Hopefully anyone that has a Facebook or Myspace account that is reading this post will make a note never to use online social networking sites to get your full vocabulary. While they are fun and useful for other things, that might not be the best way to get all of your information. Unfortunately, I didn't think into the hilariousness at the time, but a friend suggested that I should have responded by saying "It's Complicated".

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